Jesus is one of the most controversial figures in history.  He is recognized by Christians as being the Messiah, but a “good” person or prophet by Judaism and Islam believers.  Jesus, nevertheless, is recognized as being “special” by all three religions, but whose characterization accurately describes Almighty God’s perspective of Jesus?

As an elder of the family, I would like to share my current understanding of Jesus.  My perception is based on a lifetime of trusting Almighty God.  The basis of my belief is based on understanding Almighty God is far greater in power and ability than anyone could imagine.

I believe Jesus is the Messiah who was born of a virgin mother of flesh, whose father was Almighty God, lived in the flesh, died on the cross, and arose from the dead.  I believe Jesus, in the flesh, was both God and Man.

First, we must understand that before the fall of Adam and Eve, heaven and earth were in perfect harmony where God and mankind were united in a perfect relationship. God met every need of mankind and mankind glorified and enjoyed God and His presence.  It was only after the fall (sin) of mankind that heaven and God’s presence separated from earth.  Heaven is God’s dwelling place while earth is mankind’s dwelling place.  They were united prior to sin but separated after sin.

Second, we must understand God never told us to learn about Him to know Him better.  He told us to TRUST HIM AND BELIEVE HIM; This is FAITH!  Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham’s faith and believing God is what made him righteous in the eyes of God.  Abraham was “saved” (redeemed) because of his faith in believing God.  Abraham was not “saved” because he believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus BUT he believed God would provide a way because He was Almighty God, all- knowing and all-powerful to do what He said He would do.

Because of Abraham’s faith, he was righteous and “saved”.  Jesus whose name means “God Saves” is, in my belief, the “Method” which God used to fulfill the death penalty for mankind’s sinning.  The death penalty was God’s own requirement for redemption.  This makes Jesus a MIRACLE!  Jesus in First Corinthians is referred to as the “Last Adam”.  The “First Adam” was the one who lived in the garden of Eden communing with God in a Perfect relationship before sin entered and broke the perfect relationship.  The “Last Adam” is the one who Re-unites the perfect union of Heaven and Earth.

The Miracle of Jesus is twofold.  First, Jesus not only died to fulfill the death penalty requirement BUT He arose from the dead thereby overcoming death.  How was Jesus able to do this?  The answer is the Second miracle; He was both God and Man/flesh.  God loved mankind, His creation so much, He, being Almighty and All-Capable was able to Himself die in our place while simultaneously being human flesh/mankind.  This was His method, JESUS.

Why was this Method important? Answer: Jesus was sinless, NOT deserving to die for sin, BUT HE died the penalty so we, who deserve to die would not need to die.  How was He able to be sinless?  He was the son of God and the son of Man (the Virgin Mary). 

My point is this; I don’t fully understand the details and science of how this is possible AND God NEVER told me I needed to “Have Knowledge” of God’s mysteries and abilities BUT to TRUST Him and that He is Able.  God wants FAITH.  Faith that “God Saves” (another name for Jesus).  Faith is what saves.

To further prove my belief Revelation chapter 21 refers to the new Heaven and New Earth.  The first heaven and first earth pass away because of the First Adam.  The bible lets us know that God’s tabernacle will once again be reunited with earth.  The uniting will be new because of the miracle of Jesus, the Second Adam who paid the penalty.

God is simple; He simply wants to restore the relationship where He meets all our needs, we glorify Him and Enjoy His presence.  Jesus always pointed to Almighty God, the Father, giving glory to Him and Him alone. 

Jesus during his life on earth was a good man, a prophet, and God/Man BUT I Do NOT fully comprehend and know how God did it BUT I Trust and Believe Him.

To enjoy life, we must enjoy HIM.  God bless.  Amen.

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