Congregation, Family of God is not a Religion.  We are family.  Religion is preventing God’s children from being a family.  We at Congregation, Family of God are trying to create a movement where God’s children unite and set aside issues that are important to man but NOT as important to God.

God never created or ordained Religion.  Religion was created by man to “define” God and to “prescribe” proper ways to approach God.  In a previous blog we described “What is Sin”.  We presented the concept that “sin” was man’s desire and acceptance to live life Independent of God.  Sin was the colluding with Satan to learn and gain knowledge of the mysteries of God so man could “create”, “sustain”, and “provide” all his needs without God.  In other words, man wanted to be Self Sufficient.  Mankind, when tempted, was inclined to acquire God’s knowledge and wisdom so he (mankind) could live by his own strength, power, knowledge, and wisdom.  God, on the other hand, wanted to meet ALL mankind’s needs.

Before sin entered the scene, there were no rules on how to approach Almighty God.  In fact, man walked with God in Perfect Fellowship and Harmony.  Man was completely dependent upon God AND enjoyed fellowshipping with God.  God was COMPLETELY pleased providing for mankind.  He did not feel abused or taken advantage of.  Why? Because He loved His Children and they Loved Him and were grateful and thankful for His Provision AND enjoyed the Fellowship with Him.

Rules did not come to play until sin entered the scene.  There were only ten (rules) AND everyone of them was to direct mankind back to Loving God and Trusting Him for everything.  Worshiping was not the focus because when one truly loves someone they worship willingly.  To worship God is to Acknowledge God as Creator, Sustainer, and Provider AND Sing out in Joy for the Love bestowed by God.  Amen!

Remember, Jesus summarized the ten commandments into two commands, 1) Love God and Him only AND 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.  Your neighbor is loved by God so you should desire to love what God loves.

Rules to approach and please God is NOT what God desires.  He desires a True Loving Relationship.  Jesus said in Matthew “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”.  Sacrifice is Religious Ritual.  Mercy is a Heart Attitude.  Mercy is what God Himself extended to mankind AFTER mankind sinned.

I grew up believing card games were evil, bowling allies were evil, alcoholic beverages were evil, certain clothing was evil, and certain words were evil.  But what I now know is that the HEART’S INTENTION is what is evil.  Let me be so bold as to explain.  Please try to understand and not become offended.  Think about what I am about to say.

Words have meanings AND connotations.  The word “damn” sounds bad and that is because it means to “condemn”.  The word “damn” in and of itself is not bad BUT when it is used by someone whose heart is set on “Condemning someone to hell” it is EVIL.  Why? Because only God has the Authority to condemn someone.  No one is greater than God!  No one has the authority to condemn another to hell.  You see it is the heart’s intention that makes the word evil.

Cards can be evil if played by someone with a heart’s desire to “Take Advantage” of another player who would be severely harmed financially if they lost to a more skillful opponent.

Alcohol in and of itself is Not sinful.  Alcohol is a disinfectant and kills bacteria that causes infection.  Before anesthesia, alcohol was used to numb pain.  Is that bad?  Of course not.  But when alcohol is consumed sufficiently to make a person lose control and commit Bad behavior, alcohol’s use has led to evil that could have been prevented. 

I am NOT approving sinful behavior.  God knows that when sin entered, selfishness of mankind’s heart was revealed.  Sin grieves God.  Sin is mankind living life for himself without God AND mankind’s behavior is influenced by their heart’s desire.

Our goal should be to Worship God, Seek God, Praise God, Thank God, and the behavior that follows will reflect our pursuit of God.  Rules for good behavior will not be needed.  

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