Why does Jesus tell us we should pray “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on earth as it is in Heaven”?

The answer has to do with the fall of mankind, sin.  Before man heeded the temptation of the serpent, satan in disguise, to be given knowledge and be taught how to live independently of God, mankind was living in a place where Heaven and Earth were united and the same.  Heaven was God’s throne with Earth being a Suburb of God’s throne.  When God stepped off His throne He walked and fellowshipped with man.  It was only after mankind (Adam and Eve) decided that they could live their lives independent of God and His presence that Heaven separated from Earth.  Heaven was again God’s domain only and mankind was NOT permitted entry.  Earth became mankind’s domain with the curse from God to “Go Ahead, Let’s see if you can live without Me” territory.

I must say mankind has been able to succeed somewhat without God by working with satan to build civilization and an economy BUT many heartaches and hardships accompany this life without God.  Thankfully, we have God’s mercy and grace allowing us to bear and deal with our feeble attempt to live life without Him.  God is Merciful and Gracious.

Currently we are seeing Lucifer rear his ugly head as he is attempting to destroy and kill civilization.  I believe he is making his move now.  We are approaching apocalypse (the uncovering).  God is about to uncover and reveal Himself to the World.  We will see how long we have been deceived.  Evil is more pervasive and evident than ever.  Evil is no longer occult, hidden.  It is out in the open.

Why is he doing this?  Because all creation is God’s, and he hates God and anything that is God’s.  Lucifer said he wanted to rise-up above God and rule all His creation.  In the process, he is killing mankind.  He is a liar and deceiver.  God warned us of this.

The goal of satan and his minions is a one world government, depopulation, artificial intelligence, total dictatorial rule, and death and destruction of all that is God’s.  The good news is It ain’t going to happen.  God is in control.  If Lucifer was so powerful, why was he able to be cast out of heaven?  Obviously one who is stronger than him cast him out.  That One is none other than Almighty God.

The bad part is we are walking through the “valley of the shadow of death”.  It isn’t real death but only a shadow of death, But I must admit the shadow of death sometimes feels like death.  That is why I continue to pray for strength, stamina, hope and peace from the God I know who loves me.  That is why Jesus told us to pray for His “Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. 

I am looking forward to when Almighty God steps up to end satan’s maniacal attempt to overtake Him.  God will finally restore His Kingdom where Heaven and Earth are again united in Perfect Peace and Harmony forever and ever. This is God’s will. Amen.

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