A BETTER WAY is Constructive Criticism vs Destructive Criticism.  Trinity Living Lifestyle Counselor’s approach is to direct and point others to a Better Way.


When what a person is saying or doing is inappropriate or “wrong” and brought to their attention, they tend to feel criticized verses being affirmed and validated (value).


Jesus is our best example of how to show others a Better Way.  The story of the woman at the well found in John chapter four of the Bible is a good example.  Here, Jesus, during his travel was passing through Samaria, considered an area of “bad reputation” whose people lacked social skills and were considered “crude” by religious leaders.


While in Samaria, he went to a well for a drink of water because he was thirsty but had nothing to draw from the well with.  A woman happened by the well to draw water for herself.  Jesus, noticing she had a pale to draw water with asked her if she would give him some water to drink.  She responded with surprise that a Jew, who was considered of good reputation would ask her, a Samaritan of poor reputation, for a drink.


Jesus, however, was kind and gracious to her.  During their conversation it was revealed that the woman was divorced, in fact, five times from five different husbands and the man she was currently living with she was not married to.


Notice, Jesus neither “Condemned” her nor “Condoned” her behavior.  He did not rebuke her, but both he and she knew her life was a sinful mess.  What he did do was point her in the right direction to have everlasting life, a better life by showing her a Better Way.  The Better Way was to repent and follow him.


Another story found in John chapter eight of the Bible again shows how Jesus interacted with those caught in sinful behavior.  An adulterous woman was brought to him by religious leaders who were about to stone her to death for her sin.  The religious leaders, testing his religious savvy, asked him if they were justified in executing her for her sin.  Again, Jesus neither condemned her nor condoned her behavior BUT he Forgave her AND told her to Go and sin no more.  Essentially, he told her to 1) Repent and 2) Trust him (God in the Flesh) to forgive her.  Repenting AND Trusting the God who Saves to save is what salvation is all about.


In both stories, Jesus placed Value on the lives of those who have sinned and were sinners.  Placing value on their lives validated their existence.  He showed them they were important to God BUT he Never denied their sinfulness.  What he did was show them God’s willingness to forgive if only they repented and trusted the God who Saves to save them by His Authority, His Action, and His Grace.


We, as humans, are not God nor are we God in the Flesh, but we are to behave like God in the Flesh, Jesus.  Jesus is the Second Adam.  Our life is to be lived just like him.  Currently, we humans are not perfect, but the Bible tells us one day we will be given sinless physical bodies AND live with Jesus as our king in the renewed kingdom.  Until then, we live in faith with our hope and trust in the God who Saves to save us from the curse of death unto a life everlasting with Him.

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