The sin that presumably resulted in the curse of death and elimination of the promise for eternal life was the heeding the temptation by Satan to convince humans to partake of the fruit of the tree of “knowledge of good and evil”.


The partaking of the fruit is more than likely a metaphor of what happened.  Let’s consider the following:


Genesis chapter one tells us why God created humans; 1) to bare His image and be like God, and 2) to reign on earth, meaning to oversee and take care of God’s physical creation under His overall Sovereign authority.  So, what happened?


Satan’s (a fallen angel) desire to rule is well established (Isaiah 14:13,14).  God’s plan was to have human’s rule the earth.  Is it possible Adam and Eve’s sin was to agree to allow Satan to rule the earth with his help?  Chances are, they didn’t think Satan’s plan was to rule the earth but thought Satan was offering “knowledge” to help them rule it better, more efficiently.  We must admit this makes sense.


Unfortunately, for Adam and Eve, Satan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and like a lion “seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).  He is also the father of lies (John 8:44).


Adam and Eve, unbeknownst to them, made an agreement with Satan and ceded their God given authority to Satan.


God was NOT unaware this was going to happen, for in Genesis 3:15 we see God telling the serpent, Satan, He will put enmity between your seed and her seed.  The word enmity, according to Don Stewart of, indicates a “blood feud”.  A blood feud is a fight between family bloodlines, a “family feud”.  This infers there are two fathers, God the father on one family, and Satan the father of the other.


Jesus himself referred to some as being of their father, the devil (John 8:44).  If we humans have a sinful nature because of the sin of Adam and Eve, how can we change our sinful nature to a pure and sinless nature?  The answer is, we cannot, but Jesus can.


Jesus was of a sinless bloodline because his father was the one and only Almighty God.  Jesus came from a sinless bloodline and therefore was sinless and not guilty of sin whereby he could be condemned and sentenced to death, but he chose death.  Thank God for His offering and Jesus’ willingness to die in our place.


The consequence for his dying was our promise of eternal life, but how?  God can become our father through the Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15).  We receive this spirit by calling out to God in repentance AND asking Him to Save.


God Bless

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