Believers in the one and only Almighty God are often warned of the dangers of eastern philosophical religions and the New Age movements.  We are told they are un-godly and of the devil.  Examples of these philosophies that are characterized as evil or un-godly include the use of energy from crystals, light, sound, fragrance, and vibration.  Yoga, Tai-Chi, and the idea of yin and yang are demonized by religious Christians, BUT what is the TRUTH?

God lets us know EVERYTHING IS THE HIS.  The earth is the Lord’s and its fulness; the world and everyone on it (Ps. 24:1).  We are foolish to think Satan, or the devil owns anything; he owns NOTHING.  Satan takes what is God’s, he steals it, and attempts to use it for his glory; this is what Satan does. (Is. 14:13,14).

Eastern philosophies and New Age practices utilizing energies from the universe such as crystals, light, sound, fragrance, and vibration can be very effective.  Meditation, acupuncture, Yoga and Tai-Chi can be healing.  Why?  Because it is based on the science of God who created everything.

Why is it demonized by churches, religious leaders, and Christians?  Most of these just mentioned don’t realize the eastern philosophies and New Age practices are really based on the science of God’s creation, the Almighty Most High God’s creation, not the false god, Satan.

What makes eastern philosophy and New Age evil is, they DO NOT give the Most High God the credit.  God created light on the first day of creation.  God created ALL energy.  He is not energy, He is the source, the creator of it.  That is true POWER.

False religions are false because they give credit to humans, or little “g” gods, the fallen angels and Elohim.  When a religion or philosophy teaches “it’s within you to do it; you have the power”, they are teaching humanism, making humans god.  This is the evil.  When they teach “you have the power” BUT add through the Most High God, giving Him the praise, worship, thanksgiving, and credit, they are legitimate TRUTH tellers.

God is everything.  All things become evil when God is removed from the equation.

Whether you eat, drink, or whatsoever you do; do all for the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31).

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