This is an amazing mystery- 700 years before Messiah was born, Isaiah, the prophet prophesied in detail about the Messiah’s death, “And He made His grave with the wicked and with the rich in His death.” He was struck down and oppressed for our sins, yet it was the Lord’s will to take on all our sins; past, present and future; for all time. The word ASHAM in Hebrew is the same word used in Leviticus for the levitical sacrifice. It does not just mean guilt offering but guilt itself. The animal that was offered up was called the guilt. Messiah became guilt for us. ASHAM means that when you are in sin and oppression in your life, Messiah has His name on it now. You do not have to bear it. Jesus is your guilt. Your sins and guilt belong to Him. Give Him your guilt; He is ASHAM; give Him your burden, give Him your past and He will lift it and release you from it because He made His life an ASHAM, a guilt offering specifically for you. Messiah has set you free.

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From Message #1093 – The Asham
Scripture: Isaiah 53:9

TODAY’S MISSION – Whatever guilt, shame, or sin you’ve been dealing with, release it to God. It has His name on it.

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