Jesus Did NOT Die to Save Us From Hell

Jesus did NOT die for the purpose of saving us from death and eternity in hell.  He died for something far more valuable – A relationship with Almighty God our creator.

Too often we are taught, and many believe, Jesus died to save us so we wouldn’t go to hell after we die a physical death.  This teaching cheapens the value and meaning of Jesus’ suffering and dying.  Jesus is not a lifeguard throwing us a lifejacket to help us float until help arrives so we won’t drown.  He didn’t swim to a flaying or lifeless swimmer to bring them to shore so he could perform CPR.

Nobody really wants to die unless they are severely depressed and/or insane.  Nobody really wants to be tormented in hell forever.

The work of Jesus, his suffering and dying, was for the reason of love.  He loved his Father, and he loves us, his Father’s creation.

Too often we are taught we are sinners because we lie, cheat, steal, covet, are sexually promiscuous, get drunk, gamble, or maybe even kill.  These are all behaviors of the one and only sin, choosing to be our own god and “leaving” God out of our life.  This was all done collectively, as humans, as represented by the sin of Adam and Eve.  They “bit the apple” of knowledge to learn and have knowledge how to live life without God’s presence and leadership.

This choice, to be the god of our own life leads to death, spiritual and physical death.  Spiritual death is really what Jesus died to save us from; Physical death is no problem because God is one day planning to give us a New Body.  Spiritual death is “The Absence of God’s Presence”.  Hell is a place where God does not rule; He is absent, allowing Satan, and those who refuse to ask God into their lives reside, forever.

Easter is about to be celebrated, but first “Good Friday”.  It’s good for us if we seek God’s forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrificial death.  It’s good because death is not final, Jesus’ death gives us life everlasting.  The life everlasting is being in God’s family as God’s children, with God as our Father.  It’s a father-child relationship, not a defective father-child relationship, but a perfect father-child relationship with Jesus as Lord and King of our family.  This is BEAUTIFUL!  This is why Jesus died, to give us family, a perfect family with God as our Father.

Take time to reflect on this and think about what God sacrificed by allowing His begotten son to suffer for us humans AND how Jesus, His son, was willing to both suffer and die so we could be family and enjoy the benefits of being in God’s family.  Amen.