We previously, in our post “How to Pray”, explained why we call ourselves Congregation Family of God by showing how Jesus in the Lord’s prayer begins by addressing God as Our Father.  Immediately following addressing God as our father, Jesus further identifies God as the one who resides in heaven.  By declaring God as the one who resides in heaven, Jesus lets us know who the one and only God is.  Mankind worships many gods, but there is only One Almighty God, and His residence/throne is Heaven.  This leaves no question who Almighty God is!  Remember, Jesus (whose name means God Saves) ALWAYS pointed to God the Father as being the One He, Jesus, gave glory to.

The King James version of the bible says, “Hallowed be thy Name”.  Hallowed means Holy, consecrated, which means Set Apart, Nothing to be compared to.  This best describes Almighty God.  There is nothing or no one greater than Almighty God.  He is not energy, He is the Source of Energy, the Source of ALL that exists.  He and He alone is ALL Authority and ALL Powerful.  Once we embrace that fact, we know what God wants us to know about Him.

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