Jesus is the most controversial person in history.  He is the most loved and the most hated.  He is loved by his followers and hated by his opposers.  He is the most embraced and the most rejected.  Frankly, this long-standing controversy makes it more likely that He in fact is God in the Flesh.

Most religions acknowledge Jesus was at least a teacher, prophet, or good person but the controversy is mostly with acknowledging he is God.

I am not all-knowing, but I have embraced Jesus as God, but I have also been trying to understand exactly how he should be viewed.  I have made the following observations and have drawn a conclusion I am satisfied with, but I am open to God’s revealing to me the best way for my simple brain to comprehend it.  What I have concluded to date is below.

I believe there is One Almighty God who is creator, sustainer, and provider of all that exists.  I have been taught that God is a trinity, that being God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. I believe this to be true, but I don’t fully understand it.  I say that because I want you, the reader, to know that I am willing to admit I do not understand everything about God. 

What is good is that God has NEVER expected me to know Him in a “Scientific” way or the history of His existence.  God has NEVER expected me to understand His substance or His mind and motives.  What He has expected of me is that I Trust Him, Believe Him, and Have Faith in Him; that I have done to the best of my human capacity.  By saying my human capacity, I am admitting weakness and imperfection BUT thankful for my Heavenly Father’s understanding of my weakness and need for Him AND His Love for me.  Amen and Thank You Almighty God.

What I have learned about Jesus is that, from a scientific and human perspective, he could not be God.  Why? Because even though his Father was God, his mother was Mary, a human and a sinner, so how could he be perfect and sinless if his father was God but Mary, a sinner, his mother?  I now know!  God is God and He has the power to do whatever He wants and has the full and complete right to be pleased with anything He, Almighty God chooses.  Because God is Holy, if He says Jesus is Righteous and Holy and Worthy to be the Sacrificial Lamb to satisfy the death penalty for sins I have committed and die in my place, I believe God and Accept His will and provision.  Why?  Because He is God!

God also has the power over death AND He manifested this power when He gave power to Jesus to arise from death.  I don’t completely understand it BUT I believe it and have FAITH God can Do It!  Why?  Because He is God!

I don’t fully understand how to view Jesus, but I know he is referred to as the New Adam, the Second Adam or Last Adam.  Why?  I may not have the full correct answer But remember the First Adam was sinless as his wife Eve was sinless before the fall when they decided to attempt to live life without God by learning secrets from Satan that would give them some understanding of God’s mysteries of nature, creation, and science so they could use that knowledge to provide their every need without God.

An interesting side note is that Adam and Eve and even Lucifer (satan) had to use God’s stuff (creation, matter, dirt, elements, water, air, etc.) to help them live life without God.  Why didn’t they simply create something from nothing like God did?  Answer: They didn’t have the power God has!  AND neither do we.

Jesus is the New Adam.  He is the First Fruits of a world to come where, once again Heaven and Earth will be united as One as it was before sin entered civilization.  When sin entered (man deciding to attain knowledge to live life without God), Heaven and Earth separated.  Jesus became the sacrificial lamb to die and arise (overcoming the curse through God’s own power) to become the bridge that will once again reunite Heaven and Earth as One as it was before sin’s devastating power.

When God finally reveals (meaning of apocalypse) Himself Again to the world and destroys the evil satan has planned, we will live with Him in Heaven and Earth again forever and ever.

Remember, Jesus Never called attention to himself.  He ALWAYS pointed to God the Father.  It was God who pointed to Jesus and said “This is my son in whom I am well pleased”.  It was God who lifted Jesus and told us to “hear him”.  Jesus is the son of man (the new Adam) BUT he is also the son of God.  I don’t understand it But Thank God for Jesus, the Lamb of God.

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