When Jesus gave us the “Lord’s prayer, he expected us to pray it thoughtfully, sincerely, and with conviction.  In other words, he expected us to mean it from our heart’s desire.

On the surface, when we pray, “Thy will be done” it sounds good and easy since we assume we will only reap blessings and gain treasure, but if we thoughtfully consider what we are asking, we may have second thoughts.  Jesus, prior to being betrayed and led off to trial to be sentenced to death prayed to the Father “if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but, thine be done”.  With that prayer to the Father, Jesus suffered and died on the cross (Luke 22: 41-43).

If we thought praying to the Father for His will to be done meant pain, suffering, and death like Jesus received after praying for God’s will to be done, we would be more hesitant.

Does this mean God, the Father is bad and may have evil intentions and a desire to see us suffer for our sins?  Absolutely NOT!  God is all-knowing and full of wisdom way beyond our comprehension.  He sees from an eternal perspective while we see from a temporal perspective.  God also tells us “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and My ways are not your ways” Isaiah 55:8.  Keep in mind that Jesus did die on the cross BUT, He arose from death by the Father’s power to an eternal life of glory and praise.  As you can see there was MORE, much MORE.  Jesus’ suffering was temporal BUT his glory and kingdom is ETERNAL.  This is God’s perspective.

When we are told by Jesus to pray to the Father “Thy will be done”, we need to be comforted that yes, there may be pain and suffering, But the outcome will cause us to forget the suffering that may have come our way. 

I don’t want to be negative or cause anyone to question Almighty God, our Father.  He is good and He does care for you and Remember,  He knows what we are able to bare.

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