What is “religious”?  Religious is a lifestyle; however, it can be practiced in one of two ways, either from-the-heart or ritualistic.  The difference is from-the-heart is based on attitude whereas ritualistic is rote mechanics going through the motions.  With from-the-heart there is desire whereas ritualistic is with desire to receive a reward.


Trinity Living is a religious lifestyle based on the premise God is the center of our life; In other words, He is the heartbeat of our being.


Religion is a set of manmade rules based on man’s interpretation of God and God’s Word.  Religions are recognized by denomination based on their individual interpretations.


Jesus was religious and not a part of a religion.  This is obvious because he was despised by the Pharisees, the leaders of their religion.  Jesus is the best example of being religious.  He best exemplifies a lifestyle where God, his father, was the center focus of his life.


Jesus’ life was based on his relationship with God and from that relationship, his relationship with his fellow man.  Jesus is and was God in the flesh, perfect man.  He conducted himself in a perfect manner with ALL his relationships.  He should be our example.


Trinity Living is a religious lifestyle with God being the central focus.  With God being the central focus, our emotions, thoughts, and care for our body, a temple, is based on His purpose and plan for our life.  His purpose is for us to rule the earth under His authority and to enjoy fellowshipping with us as we mutually enjoy fellowshipping with Him.


The natural outcome for such a relationship will automatically improve our relationship with fellow humans.  A Trinity Living lifestyle is a lifestyle based on an attitude that is developed from our thoughts and feelings as they relate to God.  Attitude determines behavior which together defines one’s character.

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