Football is not only a sport of strength and endurance, but also a sport that requires strategy.  When there are only a few minutes left in the game and the final play can either win the game or lose the game, a lot of pressure is on the head coach to make the right call.

The coach is the one the team looks to for leadership.  The coach better make the right call!  If the team with the ball is winning and wants to maintain the lead, is it better to run-out the clock or attempt another play, risking a fumble and potential loss of the game.  If the team is losing which “Hail Mary” play should be attempted.  The coach has a great deal of responsibility.

Team members are dependent on wise leadership which usually comes with experience.

The game of life is no different in many ways.  We The People rely on good leadership.  We rely on wisdom and experience.  We need to have confidence in the leader trusting they have our best interests at heart.

More often than not our leaders stumble and fall, failing to put the interests of We The People first.  They are not always the best coaches.  The plays they call are sometimes in the own self-interest.

When it comes to the “Game of Life” we want a strong leader, one we can trust, a good coach who knows what plays to call.  God would seem to be the best choice for position of Head Coach when it comes to the “Game of Life”.  Who knows better than God?

The truth is, God does not want to be the coach of our life.

A coach stands on the sidelines and watches the game closely.  The coach has a good perspective of what the other team is doing and how they are reacting to the plays he is calling.  A good coach will identify the weakness of the opposing team and call plays to counterattack the opponent.

God is different.  God does not want to call in the play; He wants to participate in the game.  He wants to be the captain of the team, call the play, and participate in executing the play.

We often want God to stay on the sidelines in the “Game of Life”.  We want to be on the field, observe the coach call the play, but we want to execute the play with possible modifications.  Some games are played that way.  The “Game of Life” should never be played that way.

Men’s failures in the “Game of Life” are because we want to call the play or modify the play.  God needs to be God of our life NOT the coach of our life.  He needs to be in full control AND captain in the game; Only then will we win the “Game of Life”.

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