This topic will raise eyebrows, stir emotions, and arouse anger from the self-righteous but the fact remains Jesus was not a Christian.

The reason for this topic is to bring to light how Jesus has been misunderstood, used, and misused from the time he was born in a manger to his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.  Even while he was ministering his last three years of life on earth he was misunderstood and misrepresented.

Communication has altered the perception of Jesus.  Many children during their school years have at one time or another participated in an exercise where everyone is seated in a circle and the teacher whispers a secret to the child next to them.  The teacher has instructed each child to turn to the one next to them and whisper the secret they just heard.  Once everyone has heard the secret and whispered it to the person next to them the secret is finally repeated to the teacher who initiated the secret.  Typically, the secret the teacher hears from the final child is totally different or skewed and not the original secret; The content and context of the original secret has been changed.

Why is this?  Perception.  Everyone has a slightly different perspective and the way they interpret what they have just heard is interpreted followed by an attempt to explain and relay what they have just heard.

Christianity began after Jesus ascended into heaven.  Many believed and followed him and each had a different experience and understanding of him.  This caused describing him to develop into multiple perspectives which were also passed down the communication trail.

A Christian is one who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ.  A Christian practices what they have been told and taught about Jesus.  Jesus, however, is the REAL DEAL.  Therefore, it is best to read scripture, pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you BUT compare it with what you have been taught or previously thought.  Allow God’s Holy Spirit to reveal new truths.  The new truths revealed by the Holy Spirit is NEVER inconsistent with the BASICS of Almighty Most High God’s will, intent, or plan.

This is not to say today’s perspective of Jesus in not correct but it is to say there may be inaccuracies or fluff.  The best way to understand and perceive who Jesus is and was, is to read scripture AND rely on the Holy Spirit of God to reveal Jesus.  This is why reading the Bible is fun.  Each time one reads the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals new truths.  Those who have read the Bible for many years will often say and admit, a New Revelation they just discovered was not recognized by them over all the years they previously read that same passage. God works this way.  God views things different than we do.  God views us as His children and children grow and develop; This means they change over time.

God is the father, and He enjoys nurturing His children.  Nurture means to encourage and assist growth and development.  This concept is important because it infers changing over time.  The beauty about God is He understands, loves, and cares for us and desires we GROW in Knowing Him.

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