I believe there is Biblical evidence of this.  I believe the fallen angels were banished to the earth when they were cast out of Heaven.  I believe they developed a civilization using the resources of the earth.  While inhabiting the earth their goal to overthrow God remained so they worked to create an army large enough and strong enough to attempt to overthrow God.  I believe God was aware of this and created catastrophic events that destroyed the earth causing it to become a soupy mess as described in Genesis chapter 1.

Following the event, God hovered over the destruction to evaluate the outcome.  At that time, God “created” the earth, its heaven, and mankind as it is recorded in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.  This belief accounts for dinosaurs and sophisticated ancient temples and civilizations dedicated to worshiping idols.


The Bible clearly states God has created heavenly beings that serve Him.  The Bible clearly states those heavenly beings are assigned different positions and levels of authority.  The Bible clearly states, God meets with those leaders to discuss and plan events.  It is clearly stated in the Bible; Gods seeks their opinion at those meetings.

God also meets with those spiritual beings He has assigned duties and authority to give an account of their performance.


God created mankind to rule the “re-created” earth described in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.  Mankind was ordained to rule and reign earth under His authority following His destroying Lucifer and the fallen angel’s progress and plans to use the resources of earth to attempt to overthrow God.

Lucifer and the angels survived the catastrophic destruction of the planet they were exiled to, only to find God created humans to rule and reign on the “re-created” earth BUT under God’s authority.  Lucifer and the fallen angels are enraged!!  Thus, the events that occurred from Genesis chapter 1 to today reflect that ongoing spiritual battle.

Lucifer and the fallen angels (Satan) have embarked on recruiting humans to join their cause in helping them overthrow God.  The lie presented to humans is they will become independent of God and able to rule, be served, and able to fulfill their desires for pleasure at will.  Humans accepted the offer beginning with Adam and Eve.

As a consequence of humans choosing, the curse was imposed with death being the outcome.  God, however, had a plan to redeem mankind; His plan was redemption through His Beloved Son Jesus.

Salvation is realized when we REPENT.  Repentance is turning from the ways of seeking independence from God to seeking dependence on God.  Jesus is the nexus to God.  We cannot approach the throne of God to even ask for forgiveness because of our unholiness.  When we repent, Jesus takes our hand at the doorway to the throne of God and leads us into God’s presence to seek His forgiveness.  When we approach God at His throne with Jesus beside us as our advocate, God hears our plea and sets us free!  SALVATION IS NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS.

God the Father is Supreme.  Jesus has been elevated to the position of being equal to God in power and authority by God.  This is Biblical!  God Himself told us to worship Jesus as Lord and King.  Because of his faithfulness to God the Father, Jesus has been awarded the Kingdom of Earth by God.  This is why humans are to worship Jesus.

We are experiencing the “clean-up” process.  It is almost finished.  Soon, Jesus will descend from Heaven to his throne in the New Jerusalem and reign over the earth forever and ever.


Spiritual heavenly beings have been assigned by God to oversee and manage humans.  Angels are not rulers but guides to direct us in the ways of God.  They are also meant to protect us.  They report to God regarding our obedience and progress.  God evaluates their management style and effectiveness in carrying out those duties.

Some of the heavenly beings have a physical body.  It is not like our human body, but it is physical in nature.  Unlike the human body, their body can shape-shift and has capabilities our human bodies do not have.  These “physical”-spiritual beings can perform many activities the human body performs including having a sexual relationship (Genesis chapter 6).  Some of these “physical”-spiritual beings will die like men (Psalm 82) because they have failed in their assigned duties to oversee humans on God’s behalf AND overstepped boundaries established by God.


What matters to God is living with Him and for Him daily.  The time we spend reading the Bible, the time we spend in prayer, the time we spend in church is not what God measures.  What God measures is how we read and meditate upon His word and consider who He is and what He does and how we can apply His guidance while living life and getting along with others.  He measures how sincere we are when we prayerfully worship Him, give Him praise and thank Him for everything.  He measures how we allow His presence in ALL our actions so He can influence our attitude and behavior.  We need to learn how to apply these principles and concepts into everything we think and do.  When we REPENT we behave this way.  This is what God requires of us.

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