The Church of Simple Faith is a community, a congregation of those who believe in one God, have repented for sinning, and have asked forgiveness from God.  We believe God is to be revered but enjoyed as our Father.  As His children, we are family and support each other.

We are part of The Church of Simple Faith because God, our Father offered His begotten son, Jesus, to be the final and ultimate sacrifice to redeem us from the brokenness caused by our seeking independence from God.  Jesus, God’s heavenly son, willfully submitted to become flesh, suffer, and die to redeem God’s earthly children back into the family.

Membership is simple, Believing in one God, the God of Abraham, Believe Jesus died for our sins but arose unto life.  Salvation comes by 1) Repentance, and 2) Asking God’s forgiveness with Jesus as our advocate.  Members believe, a new Kingdom on Earth will be established with Jesus as Lord and King.  Members believe, after salvation,  the Holy Spirit takes residence in our body’s soul.  Members believe we need to seek God daily and live a life that promotes a healthy body, healthy thoughts, and healthy emotions.

OUR MOTTO: Where worship is a lifestyle not a religion.

We meet at local assemblies where at least 2 are gathered to worship.  Our church consists of the collective of local assemblies.

We are a church having childlike faith.