Is God Coach of Your Life?

Football is not only a sport of strength and endurance, but also a sport that requires strategy.  When there are only a few minutes left in the game and the final play can either win the game or lose the game, a lot of pressure is on the head coach to make the right call.

The coach is the one the team looks to for leadership.  The coach better make the right call!  If the team with the ball is winning and wants to maintain the lead, is it better to run-out the clock or attempt another play, risking a fumble and potential loss of the game.  If the team is losing which “Hail Mary” play should be attempted.  The coach has a great deal of responsibility.

Team members are dependent on wise leadership which usually comes with experience.

The game of life is no different in many ways.  We The People rely on good leadership.  We rely on wisdom and experience.  We need to have confidence in the leader trusting they have our best interests at heart.

More often than not our leaders stumble and fall, failing to put the interests of We The People first.  They are not always the best coaches.  The plays they call are sometimes in the own self-interest.

When it comes to the “Game of Life” we want a strong leader, one we can trust, a good coach who knows what plays to call.  God would seem to be the best choice for position of Head Coach when it comes to the “Game of Life”.  Who knows better than God?

The truth is, God does not want to be the coach of our life.

A coach stands on the sidelines and watches the game closely.  The coach has a good perspective of what the other team is doing and how they are reacting to the plays he is calling.  A good coach will identify the weakness of the opposing team and call plays to counterattack the opponent.

God is different.  God does not want to call in the play; He wants to participate in the game.  He wants to be the captain of the team, call the play, and participate in executing the play.

We often want God to stay on the sidelines in the “Game of Life”.  We want to be on the field, observe the coach call the play, but we want to execute the play with possible modifications.  Some games are played that way.  The “Game of Life” should never be played that way.

Men’s failures in the “Game of Life” are because we want to call the play or modify the play.  God needs to be God of our life NOT the coach of our life.  He needs to be in full control AND captain in the game; Only then will we win the “Game of Life”.

Number 3 of 3 Demons That Haunt Humans, Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is something we do that God does not do.  Unforgiveness causes shame, the feeling of being guilty.  Shame is a tool of the devil because it makes us feel guilty.  Real unforgiveness is damnation, condemning to punishment for a wrong committed.

The penalty for sinning against God is death but the gift of God is Mercy, the sparing of death.

Satan, that serpent, lied and deceived Eve when he said, “You will not die” if you sin against God (Genesis 3:4).  Satan lies by telling partial truths.  He told Eve, “God knows, if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you would be like gods (Genesis 3:5)”.  Satan knew this was true, but he downplayed the major consequence for eating of the forbidden fruit, death.  He tried to get Eve to focus on the benefit, the pleasure she would experience if she partook of the forbidden fruit.

Sin can have its benefit which appears as good from the beginning but leads to dire consequences.  Satan hates, God and Jesus, the Messiah.  His way for revenge is to destroy God’s creation, God’s “stuff”, hoping to make God feel misery.  Satan knows his destiny and he has chosen NOT TO REPENT but to seek revenge by destroying and killing God’s creation.  He still has the desire to “rise up and be like the Most High”.  This is his downfall.

Satan wants us to feel shame, feeling guilty, to take our focus and attention away from God.  Satan is the great deceiver.  The best way to deceive is to present half-truth and to distract.  His goal remains the same, to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).  He is a thief.  He is a thief because he owns nothing of himself, so he takes it from the one who owns it.

Unforgiveness leads to death.  God forgives us, so we need to pass that forgiveness on to others and forgive them.  Forgiveness does not mean the natural consequences for bad behavior is eliminated, but forgiveness can be extended.  Forgiveness, removes the shame of guilt even if consequences for bad behavior is negative.

Jesus tells us if we forgive others, God will forgive you (Matthew 6:14).  Does this mean our forgiveness is dependent on our forgiving others?  No, it’s Jesus telling us God releases us from the shame, feeling guilty.  By forgiving others, we release them from shame, feeling guilty.  There may be natural consequences for their bad behavior, but the shame is removed.  There is liberty in forgiveness and the removal of feeling guilty.  Forgiveness, pass it on.

Number 2 of 3 Demons That Haunt Humans, Shame

Shame is another term for feeling guilty.  It is not guilt but the feeling of being guilty.  This is a tool used by Satan to discredit Jesus.  It is a tool to discredit Jesus as Messiah, the one who saves us from sin.  It is a tool used to discredit Jesus as the perfect Lamb of God who “takes away the sin of the world” (John 1: 29).  It is a demon.

Shame is the demon that makes us feel we are the “center of attention” with all those around pointing the finger and shouting “guilty, guilty, guilty”.  We know we are guilty, but we don’t need others to “rub it in our faces”.

In essence, shame is a form of pride but from a different perspective.  It’s not the perception I am better than everyone else, the most common form of pride; It’s the perception “Why don’t people respect me the way I should be respected”.  Shame makes us feel disrespected, unimportant and not valued.

What seems to be the best defense is to shout back, “what about you?  You too are guilty”.  That reaction gives us a sense of reprieve and solace.  All that reaction does is make us like our accusers.  They are accusing us while we are accusing them.  We’re both doing the same.  This makes us equal to them – guilty!

Feeling guilty is a handicap.  It can paralyze us or make us truly ineffective and unproductive in our life.  We become focused on our guilt and our shame and takes away the focus on God.  In essence we are “missing the mark”, we are “sinning”.  The focus is oneself instead of God.  The focus is “what others think about ME” versus “What does God think about ME?”.  God is not the focus, Others, our peers, is the focus.  It is a great tool by Satan and a very effective demon to haunt us.

Shame is an energy drainer.  A lot of time and energy is spent feeling sorry for oneself, how to defend oneself, and how to avenge being accused by those who themselves are guilty.

There is an opposite to shame – mercy.  The Most High God, loves those He created and He cares.  Sin is turning away from God while repentance is turning to God.  When we turn to God, we have a better view of Him.  When we look to Him we can see His outstretched hand as He calls us to Him.  He wants to be our Father.  He doesn’t need us, He WANTS US.  Because He wants us, He forgives us by His mercy.  When we accept His mercy, there is no room for shame (Psalm 103: 12).

One of 3 Demons That Haunt Humans, Pride

Demon is a term we most often refer to as being minions of Satan, those who do his dirty work.  They are believed to be fallen angels who joined Lucifer in the rebellion to overtake heaven and Almighty God’s kingdom.  Demons do a lot of dirty work but sometimes the term demon is referred to as “struggles” we deal with when we are trying to do good.  These struggles prevent us from accomplishing our goal to do good.

When people do bad things, they sometimes say, “It wasn’t me, the devil made me do it”.  This is a good way to avoid taking responsibility for wrongs committed.  It is a way to deflect responsibility of one’s bad behavior.  It is a way of avoiding self; “It wasn’t me”.

With pride, oneself is the central figure of everything; It’s all about me, “What about me?”.  The avoidance of responsibility is NOT what we are talking about when we call pride a demon, something evil.  Avoiding responsibility is NOT avoiding pride.  Taking responsibility is often the right thing to do.

Evil pride is pride that seeks to draw attention to oneself for the purpose of elevating oneself.  The sin of Adam and Eve was seeking to be equal to God so they could live life independent of God, not needing Him.  Lucifer and a third of the angels rebelled against God because Lucifer desired to be equal to God (Isaiah 14:13,14).  In both these cases, the created ones were seeking to be EQUAL to God, not necessarily greater than God.  Nevertheless, they were attempting to elevate themselves, that is evil pride.

Pride is the greatest demon that haunts, and it is the most common demon we deal with.

Pride is also the most subtle demon.  It is difficult to recognize.  God created humans to be in His image.  We were created by Him to enjoy His Creation and His Fellowship.  He is the Most High God.  When we read our bibles, we find there is only one Most High God who is referred to as Yahweh.  Before Jesus was born in Bethlehem an angel appeared unto Mary telling Jesus would be the son of the Most High God.  There is no one or nothing higher, more sovereign than Him.

Sinning is “missing the mark”.  When Almighty God is not our focus or we are not “hitting the bullseye” we are missing the mark because the focus of our attention is even the slightest bit off.  Jesus, our Lord, Messiah and example ALWAYS deferred to his father, the Most High God.


“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.  It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.  It will make or break a company… a church… a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”   Charles Swindoll

The above quote is by Charles Swindoll.  It is one of the most profound statements that could make one enjoy life if heeded positively.  A person with a bad attitude lives a miserable life full of regret.

The most important point of this statement is that the individual has complete control over their attitude.

Attitude leads to behavior.  One’s behavior defines their character.  Character is defined by those who interact with you.  Others see the good, bad, and ugly.  The workplace, where one spends a large portion of the day, is where one’s attitude is witnessed consistently.  The place where one’s true attitude is witnessed is at home with family.  Home is where people let down their guard completely.  Family witnesses one’s attitude most clearly and consistently.

Attitude is developed by one’s thoughts (mind) and feelings (spirit) both of which are influenced by their relationship with God who created them.  A good relationship with God spills over resulting in good relationships with people.  A poor relationship with God spills over resulting in bad relationships.  This is fact.

A good relationship with God is centered around love.  Love is what fills our emotional “cup”; when it is full, it overflows with love to others.  A bad relationship with God is centered around “self”; when it is full, it overflows with self to others.

Filling ourselves with God and His love gives us an attitude that spills over to others representing our relationship with the God we serve, the Most High or ourself.

Using God’s Stuff for Personal Gain

Believers in the one and only Almighty God are often warned of the dangers of eastern philosophical religions and the New Age movements.  We are told they are un-godly and of the devil.  Examples of these philosophies that are characterized as evil or un-godly include the use of energy from crystals, light, sound, fragrance, and vibration.  Yoga, Tai-Chi, and the idea of yin and yang are demonized by religious Christians, BUT what is the TRUTH?

God lets us know EVERYTHING IS THE HIS.  The earth is the Lord’s and its fulness; the world and everyone on it (Ps. 24:1).  We are foolish to think Satan, or the devil owns anything; he owns NOTHING.  Satan takes what is God’s, he steals it, and attempts to use it for his glory; this is what Satan does. (Is. 14:13,14).

Eastern philosophies and New Age practices utilizing energies from the universe such as crystals, light, sound, fragrance, and vibration can be very effective.  Meditation, acupuncture, Yoga and Tai-Chi can be healing.  Why?  Because it is based on the science of God who created everything.

Why is it demonized by churches, religious leaders, and Christians?  Most of these just mentioned don’t realize the eastern philosophies and New Age practices are really based on the science of God’s creation, the Almighty Most High God’s creation, not the false god, Satan.

What makes eastern philosophy and New Age evil is, they DO NOT give the Most High God the credit.  God created light on the first day of creation.  God created ALL energy.  He is not energy, He is the source, the creator of it.  That is true POWER.

False religions are false because they give credit to humans, or little “g” gods, the fallen angels and Elohim.  When a religion or philosophy teaches “it’s within you to do it; you have the power”, they are teaching humanism, making humans god.  This is the evil.  When they teach “you have the power” BUT add through the Most High God, giving Him the praise, worship, thanksgiving, and credit, they are legitimate TRUTH tellers.

God is everything.  All things become evil when God is removed from the equation.

Whether you eat, drink, or whatsoever you do; do all for the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31).

A Defensive Attitude Comes Across as an Attack

Have you ever felt verbally “attacked” by someone right after making a statement and wondered “What brought that on?”.  You had no malicious intent but the response from the person you were addressing was harsh, angry, or violent.  You may think, “They’re mean”.

This probably happens more often than we acknowledge.  It causes stress in the workplace or even at home if the ones you are speaking to react in a seemingly hateful way during a simple conversation.  It’s hard to be around someone like that, let alone live in the same family as that person.

What causes a person to be like that?  It’s simple…It’s Attitude.  But what caused that attitude?  It more than likely didn’t happen overnight; It developed over time.  It came about over years as that person grew, having Thoughts and Feelings from what they experienced and learned.

If the person had bad experiences with no real, caring love, it would be hard for that person to feel loved and cared for or even respected.  Those people cannot show or give love because they have not received love.  Their “emotional” cup is empty, there’s nothing for them to give when it comes to giving others love.

What those people feel is a sense of not being loved cared for.  They were not adequately nurtured.  What they do feel is attacked making them constantly “on guard”.  They are protecting their emotions/feelings.  Unfortunately, they, inappropriately “rise up” in defense for fear of being hurt emotionally.  They are on guard to avoid being attacked and their harsh words or response is due to them protecting themselves.

This does not make their behavior right or acceptable, but it helps us to understand, it is not us they are attacking.  These people need their cups to be healed.  Have you ever heard someone like that say, “I feel drained”?  They are drained and tired, both physically and emotionally because they expend a lot of energy to be “on guard” and protective of their character they feel is under attack.  They Perceive they are being attacked.  Their attitude is one of Defense.

Behavior is an expression of one’s attitude.  Attitude is developed by Thoughts and Feelings.  Physical health can also influence thoughts and feelings.  A good spiritual relationship with God the father who Never Fails us and always loves us is foundational.  Our relationship with God, must be incorporated into our thoughts and feelings and our bodies to be most effective.

This takes time.  We need to understand other’s behavior can be changed but with patience and God’s help and our understanding.  We don’t condone bad behavior and sometimes there is consequences.  We need to have a heart and mind like God so we can forebear and forgive others and help them heal.  Love…Pass it on.

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What is Money?

Have you ever thought about money and what it really is?  Money is something we can’t seem to get along without and there is some truth to that.  Is money evil or just the love for money evil.

Money is a perception, yes, it is a perception.  It is a perception of belief.  Most everyone believes money will get them what they want and need.

Why is money traded?  Money is traded because the person giving it to another person is receiving something in return.  The one who receives it believes it can be used to later get them something they want or need.  The traders each received something they perceived to be of equal value.  So, you can see, money is a perception, a perception of value.

When an individual uses money to buy something, they probably consider what they did to receive the money.  In other words, what did it cost them to get the money?  For example, if someone is paid $100 a day for eight hours of work, they can easily surmise it cost them eight hours of one day which may have included a couple stressful and strenuous hours as part of the total eight hours.  When they later buy something that costs $100, they can reflect on what it took for them to get that $100 and then they decide, is it worth $100.  You see, money is a perception of value.

Money is really a perception translated and represented by a dollar bill with each dollar representing a price that was paid to get each dollar.  Therefore, money is a way of assigning perceived value.

When many people in a society accept money as perceived value and accept what it represents, it can be accepted as an easy way to trade goods or services.

This means the more money one has, the more goods and services they can procure.  This gives having money, power.  The more money one has, the more power they have to purchase goods or services.

Along the idea of money equaling power, money can influence.  The reason it can influence is that it can be used to get others to do something or refrain from doing something.  This shows that money is powerful.

Money represents power and influence.  When a person purchases an item that cost them a lot of money, that purchase can be put on display for others to see; When others see the high cost item, they know the person owning it paid lots of money for it and they immediately compare themselves to that person.  This is how money displays power and influence for others to see.  It is non-verbal communication.  It’s a way of gaining respect from others.

The bible tells us, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and POWERS…” (Eph. 6:12).  Is it possible, God is telling us, many of our struggles are because of the power of money?  Money is a perception of value and influence.  Money represents power.

The danger and therefore, evil of money is not its “face value”, it is how that representation of perceived power is used to hurt or harm others.  Of course, disposable money can be used to “purchase” pleasure or debauchery.

Money is a perception of value of power.  The power can be used for good or for evil.  It all depends on the one who has it and controls it.

We need to learn how to control money to avoid it controlling us.  When God is the focus of our life and is in control of our life, we can have the power to control money.

What is Sin?

The Hebrew word for sin means “To Miss the Mark”.  This infers sinning is anything that misses God’s desire, purpose, and will.

Ephesians 4:19:  Paul says sinners “being past feeling have given themselves over to lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness”.  Lasciviousness is Behavior Without Restraint and Disregard for Anything/Anyone.

In verse 17, Paul talks of the “Walk of Life” which should not be futile, meaning life should not be chaotic, or haphazard without purpose.  Confusion is the word that best describes a sinful life.  “God is NOT the author of confusion, but of peace…” (I Cor. 14:33).

Paul also talks of sinful people being blinded because of the “ignorance that is in them” because of their heart.  The heart Paul is speaking of is our Heart’s Attitude toward God.  Let’s look at the progression of the Heart’s Attitude.

In verses 17 through 19 of Ephesians chapter 4, Paul provides a reason for a futile walk (lifestyle) and futile mind (thought life).  He first says it’s because of ignorance, which is because of a blind heart.  The blind heart is the problem.

Why do people have a blind heart?  Because they made a CHOICE.  The choice begins with greediness (self being more important than ANYTHING OR ANYONE).  This Heart Attitude leads to lasciviousness which causes behavior of uncleanness.  Uncleanness is impurity; God is pure.  A habit of unclean behavior leads to becoming “Past Feeling”.

Being “Past Feeling” is the “Unpardonable Sin”.  Jesus tells us all sins are forgiven by God but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven and is in danger of eternal damnation (Mark 3:28,29).  What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?  It means to reject God’s calling to forgive.  The one who rejects God’s offer to forgive is telling God “No, I want to live for myself and my own pleasure”.

How can we know this is the only sin God won’t forgive?  We know forgiveness is awarded to “whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).  When one calls upon God they are looking to God for salvation.  Sin is looking away from God, a complete “180”.  Sin is living for self.  Repentance is “turning away from”; It is a complete “180” of living for self and self-pleasure to living for God.

The original sin of mankind, Adam and Eve was to live for self, enjoying pleasures of living as one pleased because they had been given scientific “knowledge” to be capable of living life without God.

Satan was and is the great deceiver.  He convinced mankind they could live without relying on the God who created them.  All mankind had to do was choose to 1) turn away from God and 2) look to Satan for guidance for “Knowing” how to accomplish this by using the “Knowledge” Satan would teach them.  In other words, looking to Satan for guidance was to elevate Satan to being honored more than God.  Isn’t this what Satan attempted when he and a third of the angels attempted to overthrow God in heaven?  Wow, now here on earth, he could be “like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14).

With the goal of living for self and self-pleasure, mankind would “Miss the Mark” (Hebrew meaning of the word sin).

The irony of living for self is that people believe living for self and self-pleasure is freedom.  Who wants to be enslaved to someone who demands all your attention?  No one!  But after sinning, and making ourselves our own god, we find we are truly enslaved to the consequences of living for self and self-pleasure.

Truly, there is freedom in worshipping the Most High God.  Jesus even tells us “committing sin makes us the servant of sin BUT Jesus sets us free and we are Free indeed” (John 8: 34-36).  There is Freedom in serving God.  This is Liberty!

Look at the world we live in, it is full of sickness, suffering, death, and pain, both emotional and physical pain.  We live in a world of fear and anxiety with NO real peace.  God is the author of PEACE (I Cor. 14:33).

“Missing the Mark”, sin, is a general term and is not specific.  When we assign a definition of sin listing what is right and what is wrong it can be easy to, also miss the mark.  The listing of sins most religious people list as being sinful is actually the characterization of the Heart’s Attitude and the natural behavior of that attitude.

Heart Attitude leads to intent which leads to behavior.  This is why Jesus said if you think an evil thought, you have already sinned (Matthew 5:28).

Proverbs 23:7 says, “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.

The Earliest Churches & How They Functioned

The first known church is that of Adam and Eve.  It was the simplest church.  They walked with God in the garden.  They walked and talked with God.  They fellowshipped; This was the first church as God intended it to be.  It was a lifestyle where God and humans simply enjoyed fellowshipping with each other.  They enjoyed the garden, the animals, birds and fish, the trees, flowers, grass, sky, breeze, and fragrances; It was a lifestyle of enjoyment.


The second church was simply an alter where a sacrifice was made to God.  This is a big change from the simple fellowship enjoyed by the first church.  What happened?  Sin.  Sin ruined the relationship and the simplicity of a relationship with God.


Ensuing churches progressed from an alter to a meeting place which was typically a public area where people gathered.  In early Jewish history it was typically the synagogue.  The synagogue was a meeting place with an auditorium where the Word of God was read.  The auditorium was a place where someone would read and/or teach from the reading but the audience could comment.  Often, members of the audience would shout out with praise and/or singing.


The synagogue, in Jewish controlled places, was also a place for political activity, judicial activity, social concerns and social events because God was the central figure of life’s decisions and lifestyle.


Churches have waxed and waned from a place for both social and religious gatherings to religious only gathering and back to social and religious gatherings.


We can see churches are a result of sin entering and breaking the perfect relationship God originally intended.


Trinity Living is not a church.  We encourage local churches, but we believe the best church is the first church as ordained by God.  That church is a Personal relationship with God.  Trinity Living offers help and support from members who are “Student Teachers”.


Trinity Living’s focus is the Trinity Living Lifestyle which embraces the wholeness of the Spirit, Mind, and Body wholly dedicated to the God who created us.  We have no leaders per se’ but we think of ourselves as a family with God as our Father.  We each have a different maturity level and understanding of God; therefore we refer to our member leaders as “Student Teachers”.  We may be able to teach but we are always learning.  Life is a journey and God is always teaching us as we move along this life.