The Earliest Churches & How They Functioned

The first known church is that of Adam and Eve.  It was the simplest church.  They walked with God in the garden.  They walked and talked with God.  They fellowshipped; This was the first church as God intended it to be.  It was a lifestyle where God and humans simply enjoyed fellowshipping with each other.  They enjoyed the garden, the animals, birds and fish, the trees, flowers, grass, sky, breeze, and fragrances; It was a lifestyle of enjoyment.


The second church was simply an alter where a sacrifice was made to God.  This is a big change from the simple fellowship enjoyed by the first church.  What happened?  Sin.  Sin ruined the relationship and the simplicity of a relationship with God.


Ensuing churches progressed from an alter to a meeting place which was typically a public area where people gathered.  In early Jewish history it was typically the synagogue.  The synagogue was a meeting place with an auditorium where the Word of God was read.  The auditorium was a place where someone would read and/or teach from the reading but the audience could comment.  Often, members of the audience would shout out with praise and/or singing.


The synagogue, in Jewish controlled places, was also a place for political activity, judicial activity, social concerns and social events because God was the central figure of life’s decisions and lifestyle.


Churches have waxed and waned from a place for both social and religious gatherings to religious only gathering and back to social and religious gatherings.


We can see churches are a result of sin entering and breaking the perfect relationship God originally intended.


Trinity Living is not a church.  We encourage local churches, but we believe the best church is the first church as ordained by God.  That church is a Personal relationship with God.  Trinity Living offers help and support from members who are “Student Teachers”.


Trinity Living’s focus is the Trinity Living Lifestyle which embraces the wholeness of the Spirit, Mind, and Body wholly dedicated to the God who created us.  We have no leaders per se’ but we think of ourselves as a family with God as our Father.  We each have a different maturity level and understanding of God; therefore we refer to our member leaders as “Student Teachers”.  We may be able to teach but we are always learning.  Life is a journey and God is always teaching us as we move along this life.