Be Vigilant

The bible tells us in first Peter to be sober and vigilant because our adversary the devil is prowling…seeking to devour.  This pretty much describes the world today but, do not believe for one moment satan has not been on the prowl since the beginning; he has, you just may not have been aware.  This is why we are exhorted to be vigilant.

Being vigilant means being “on the lookout”, attentive to your surroundings and what is happening.  Being sober is having a “clear mind” so you can be “attentive”.

Many think of “satan” as Lucifer, the fallen angel, but if one studies the word “satan” it means adversary, opposer.  The English translation in some cases should have been translated to “The Satan” instead of just satan because in early manuscripts context indicated “that which opposes God” is really what satan means.

Ephesians chapter 6 tells us our fight is not flesh and blood BUT Principalities and Powers.  If one researches the terms principalities and powers, they will find that those terms mean rulers, authorities AND cosmic powers; so, what does that mean?  It means that heavenly powers (fallen angels) have joined forces with Mankind, who is flesh and blood to create RULERS (elected and non-elected leaders, presidents and leaders of corporations) and AUTHORITIES (corrupt law enforcement, corrupt judicial systems, regulatory agencies (corrupt FDA, CDC, WHO) who use positions of authority and the powers that accompany those positions to attain Personal Wealth and Power.

What we are seeing today is that the OCCULT is no longer occult meaning Evil is NO LONGER being hidden or disguised.  Evil is on display open and transparent.  We as children of God need to see the evil for what it is.

There are world organizations promoting “depopulation” (Killing off PEOPLE).

We need to open our eyes to see there are leaders who are worshiping and giving allegiance to Lucifer and the fallen angels to use their power and “KNOWLEDGE” of God’s mysteries of heaven and nature to overtake God’s kingdom and people.  Rest assured their strength and power are NO match for Almighty God; that is the good news.

The bad news is we are at war with Evil.  War is no fun, but God is victorious.  We need to support all the children of God, those who love, honor, and respect the one and only Almighty God, creator, sustainer, and provider.  We need to set aside details of our personal beliefs and unite in the fight against evil.

Abraham believed God AND it was accounted to him as being righteous before God.  God is the ONE who Saves.  God Saves!  Seek Him and Him only.

Almighty God, Save us and Protect Us by your strength and your power.  Amen  

Everyone Believes in God; Really, They Do

Everyone believes in God, and I will prove it.  Even “the demons believe and tremble” (James 2:19).  satan also believes.  Lucifer, the “son of the morning angel” has been quoted as saying “I will rise up” (Isaiah 14:12-23).  Who is he rising-up to overcome?

Names and language are important.  For English speaking friends, God is referred to as God.  For Spanish speaking friends, Dios is His name.  For Islamic friends, Allah is His name.  For peace-loving nature lovers His name is Mother Nature, and for some His name is Nirvana. (I’m not being sacrilegious; I’m explaining my belief that everyone believes in God).   Who is He?  He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of ALL that exists.

So, what is the difference between those mentioned?  All the above-mentioned names represent someone or something that is the greatest of all that exists or the “highest energy” that exists.  No matter what, all the names characterize a power that creates and sustains.

Names are important.  Again, lets offer names of God and their meanings: Elohim=Creator, El Deah=God of Knowledge, El Roi= God Who Sees, El Shaddai=God Almighty, Jehovah Rapha=Healer, Jehovah Sabbaoth= Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Rapha= Healer.  These are Names that Describe God’s character so mankind can know who and what God is all about.  Bottom line, He is Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.  He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning of all that exists and the End of all that exists BUT most importantly, SAVIOR!

The truth is Almighty God is so great He can never adequately be described.

Now, back to the question, what is the difference between the names of God mentioned above?  Again, all those names characterize a Creator and Sustainer, A “Higher (highest) Energy”, the greatest level anyone could expect or imagine.  The Answer: Of all that use those names, they either, 1) Acknowledge the one and only true God, Creator, Sustainer, and Provider, or 2) They deny and/or oppose Him, the Almighty God.

It is ok to want to achieve Nirvana described as the highest level of consciousness.  That sounds like being in heaven with God, doesn’t it?  But who created such a thing as a consciousness?  I submit to you Almighty God.  He called it a “living soul” breathing Life into that soul (read Genesis) when HE, Almighty God created us!  The problem is that many who seek to achieve Nirvana, deny it was Almighty God who created The Highest Level of Consciousness some call Nirvana.  So, I ask them, Who created Nirvana?? Answer: Almighty God. 

What makes Nirvana controversial is that it acknowledges a perfect condition BUT denies the One who Created it.  The same holds true for “mother nature”, a vague way of denying that Almighty God is the Creator of nature.  Again, we see that what these believers say is true BUT deny the source of its existence, Almighty God!  

Most people believe in satan, that he exists, or they at least believe there is evil.  Let’s look at names.  The name satan means “opposer”, adversary or the one who resists.  Question; Who is he (satan) resisting?  Answer, God.

We see plenty of evil in the world today.  Most will acknowledge that both good and evil exist AND are opposites.  What is Good?  Answer: Truth, Love, Life, Peace and more.  What is Evil?  Answer:  Deception, Hate, Death, War and more.  Of course, these definitions are relative based on one’s perspective, so, God Help Us and Save Us from those people.  It is hard to believe that there are those who believe Deception, Hate, Death and War are “good and ok”.  I submit to you that view is perverse!  God Help Us!  Unfortunately, they are practicing this perverseness today in our governments and institutions (These are the Principalities and Powers the bible speaks of).  They have joined and worship satan as their provider and sustainer.  Just take a look at the conditions of our world today.  We are in a spiritual war.

Finally, another thought to close.  Evolution believes in the “big bang”.  The big bang suggests there was a void and gases happened to somehow chemically react, explode and dust was formed coming together to create our universe.  Question; Where did those gases come from?  Who created the gases?