False Religions, What Makes Them False?

Most every religious denomination declares they understand God and what his expectations are.  They encourage attendance and membership in their respective denominations.  They go on further to interpret God’s Word explaining to their members they intend to rightly divide the Word of “Truth” (Timothy 2:15), But who is right?  Who is interpreting God’s Word accurately?


My official answer is, most are telling the truth until they get into detail.  Detail is what defines and divides, this is why Trinity Living chooses to focus on the basics of Simple Faith.


What are the basics?  1) One Sovereign, Almighty, Most High God who is Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of all that exists, 2) God created mankind in His image, 3) Mankind sinned and fell by turning from God to trust self, 4) Death, a blood sacrifice, was the penalty for the sin of leaving God, 5) God provided a remedy to restore the relationship through the death of Jesus, God’s Sacrificial Lamb, 6) God manifested His Almighty Power by raising Jesus back to life, and 7) Repenting of our sin, turning to God, and calling upon God to Save is how  God’s Sacrifice is applied to His promise of Eternal Life.


Anything beyond the above seven basics is detail as determined by each denomination.  We choose the basics as foundational truth and call it SIMPLE FAITH.


What makes a false religion false?  Anything that takes God, His Sovereign Deity, and His Provision of Salvation, Jesus, out of the equation.  Anything beyond these basics are incidentals.  The incidentals may be biblically sound, but they are not required by God for His love, mercy, or grace.


God owns everything (Psalm 24:1).  Evil, is when God is removed from the equation of anything.  Evil is when God is not considered, and evil is when anyone takes the truth of God and hijacks it for self and/or self-glory.  Evil is taking credit from God and giving credit to a want-to-be God like Lucifer.


Everything is God’s including light energy, sound energy, vibrations, fragrance healing.  Everything belongs to the Almighty Most High God.  Do not be deceived into thinking any power is from itself or another source.  Not True.  New Age is not new, it is as old as God.  God owns Everything.