Is God Coach of Your Life?

Football is not only a sport of strength and endurance, but also a sport that requires strategy.  When there are only a few minutes left in the game and the final play can either win the game or lose the game, a lot of pressure is on the head coach to make the right call.

The coach is the one the team looks to for leadership.  The coach better make the right call!  If the team with the ball is winning and wants to maintain the lead, is it better to run-out the clock or attempt another play, risking a fumble and potential loss of the game.  If the team is losing which “Hail Mary” play should be attempted.  The coach has a great deal of responsibility.

Team members are dependent on wise leadership which usually comes with experience.

The game of life is no different in many ways.  We The People rely on good leadership.  We rely on wisdom and experience.  We need to have confidence in the leader trusting they have our best interests at heart.

More often than not our leaders stumble and fall, failing to put the interests of We The People first.  They are not always the best coaches.  The plays they call are sometimes in the own self-interest.

When it comes to the “Game of Life” we want a strong leader, one we can trust, a good coach who knows what plays to call.  God would seem to be the best choice for position of Head Coach when it comes to the “Game of Life”.  Who knows better than God?

The truth is, God does not want to be the coach of our life.

A coach stands on the sidelines and watches the game closely.  The coach has a good perspective of what the other team is doing and how they are reacting to the plays he is calling.  A good coach will identify the weakness of the opposing team and call plays to counterattack the opponent.

God is different.  God does not want to call in the play; He wants to participate in the game.  He wants to be the captain of the team, call the play, and participate in executing the play.

We often want God to stay on the sidelines in the “Game of Life”.  We want to be on the field, observe the coach call the play, but we want to execute the play with possible modifications.  Some games are played that way.  The “Game of Life” should never be played that way.

Men’s failures in the “Game of Life” are because we want to call the play or modify the play.  God needs to be God of our life NOT the coach of our life.  He needs to be in full control AND captain in the game; Only then will we win the “Game of Life”.

A Religion, We are Not

Congregation, Family of God is not a Religion.  We are family.  Religion is preventing God’s children from being a family.  We at Congregation, Family of God are trying to create a movement where God’s children unite and set aside issues that are important to man but NOT as important to God.

God never created or ordained Religion.  Religion was created by man to “define” God and to “prescribe” proper ways to approach God.  In a previous blog we described “What is Sin”.  We presented the concept that “sin” was man’s desire and acceptance to live life Independent of God.  Sin was the colluding with Satan to learn and gain knowledge of the mysteries of God so man could “create”, “sustain”, and “provide” all his needs without God.  In other words, man wanted to be Self Sufficient.  Mankind, when tempted, was inclined to acquire God’s knowledge and wisdom so he (mankind) could live by his own strength, power, knowledge, and wisdom.  God, on the other hand, wanted to meet ALL mankind’s needs.

Before sin entered the scene, there were no rules on how to approach Almighty God.  In fact, man walked with God in Perfect Fellowship and Harmony.  Man was completely dependent upon God AND enjoyed fellowshipping with God.  God was COMPLETELY pleased providing for mankind.  He did not feel abused or taken advantage of.  Why? Because He loved His Children and they Loved Him and were grateful and thankful for His Provision AND enjoyed the Fellowship with Him.

Rules did not come to play until sin entered the scene.  There were only ten (rules) AND everyone of them was to direct mankind back to Loving God and Trusting Him for everything.  Worshiping was not the focus because when one truly loves someone they worship willingly.  To worship God is to Acknowledge God as Creator, Sustainer, and Provider AND Sing out in Joy for the Love bestowed by God.  Amen!

Remember, Jesus summarized the ten commandments into two commands, 1) Love God and Him only AND 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.  Your neighbor is loved by God so you should desire to love what God loves.

Rules to approach and please God is NOT what God desires.  He desires a True Loving Relationship.  Jesus said in Matthew “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”.  Sacrifice is Religious Ritual.  Mercy is a Heart Attitude.  Mercy is what God Himself extended to mankind AFTER mankind sinned.

I grew up believing card games were evil, bowling allies were evil, alcoholic beverages were evil, certain clothing was evil, and certain words were evil.  But what I now know is that the HEART’S INTENTION is what is evil.  Let me be so bold as to explain.  Please try to understand and not become offended.  Think about what I am about to say.

Words have meanings AND connotations.  The word “damn” sounds bad and that is because it means to “condemn”.  The word “damn” in and of itself is not bad BUT when it is used by someone whose heart is set on “Condemning someone to hell” it is EVIL.  Why? Because only God has the Authority to condemn someone.  No one is greater than God!  No one has the authority to condemn another to hell.  You see it is the heart’s intention that makes the word evil.

Cards can be evil if played by someone with a heart’s desire to “Take Advantage” of another player who would be severely harmed financially if they lost to a more skillful opponent.

Alcohol in and of itself is Not sinful.  Alcohol is a disinfectant and kills bacteria that causes infection.  Before anesthesia, alcohol was used to numb pain.  Is that bad?  Of course not.  But when alcohol is consumed sufficiently to make a person lose control and commit Bad behavior, alcohol’s use has led to evil that could have been prevented. 

I am NOT approving sinful behavior.  God knows that when sin entered, selfishness of mankind’s heart was revealed.  Sin grieves God.  Sin is mankind living life for himself without God AND mankind’s behavior is influenced by their heart’s desire.

Our goal should be to Worship God, Seek God, Praise God, Thank God, and the behavior that follows will reflect our pursuit of God.  Rules for good behavior will not be needed.  

Everyone Believes in God; Really, They Do

Everyone believes in God, and I will prove it.  Even “the demons believe and tremble” (James 2:19).  satan also believes.  Lucifer, the “son of the morning angel” has been quoted as saying “I will rise up” (Isaiah 14:12-23).  Who is he rising-up to overcome?

Names and language are important.  For English speaking friends, God is referred to as God.  For Spanish speaking friends, Dios is His name.  For Islamic friends, Allah is His name.  For peace-loving nature lovers His name is Mother Nature, and for some His name is Nirvana. (I’m not being sacrilegious; I’m explaining my belief that everyone believes in God).   Who is He?  He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of ALL that exists.

So, what is the difference between those mentioned?  All the above-mentioned names represent someone or something that is the greatest of all that exists or the “highest energy” that exists.  No matter what, all the names characterize a power that creates and sustains.

Names are important.  Again, lets offer names of God and their meanings: Elohim=Creator, El Deah=God of Knowledge, El Roi= God Who Sees, El Shaddai=God Almighty, Jehovah Rapha=Healer, Jehovah Sabbaoth= Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Rapha= Healer.  These are Names that Describe God’s character so mankind can know who and what God is all about.  Bottom line, He is Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.  He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning of all that exists and the End of all that exists BUT most importantly, SAVIOR!

The truth is Almighty God is so great He can never adequately be described.

Now, back to the question, what is the difference between the names of God mentioned above?  Again, all those names characterize a Creator and Sustainer, A “Higher (highest) Energy”, the greatest level anyone could expect or imagine.  The Answer: Of all that use those names, they either, 1) Acknowledge the one and only true God, Creator, Sustainer, and Provider, or 2) They deny and/or oppose Him, the Almighty God.

It is ok to want to achieve Nirvana described as the highest level of consciousness.  That sounds like being in heaven with God, doesn’t it?  But who created such a thing as a consciousness?  I submit to you Almighty God.  He called it a “living soul” breathing Life into that soul (read Genesis) when HE, Almighty God created us!  The problem is that many who seek to achieve Nirvana, deny it was Almighty God who created The Highest Level of Consciousness some call Nirvana.  So, I ask them, Who created Nirvana?? Answer: Almighty God. 

What makes Nirvana controversial is that it acknowledges a perfect condition BUT denies the One who Created it.  The same holds true for “mother nature”, a vague way of denying that Almighty God is the Creator of nature.  Again, we see that what these believers say is true BUT deny the source of its existence, Almighty God!  

Most people believe in satan, that he exists, or they at least believe there is evil.  Let’s look at names.  The name satan means “opposer”, adversary or the one who resists.  Question; Who is he (satan) resisting?  Answer, God.

We see plenty of evil in the world today.  Most will acknowledge that both good and evil exist AND are opposites.  What is Good?  Answer: Truth, Love, Life, Peace and more.  What is Evil?  Answer:  Deception, Hate, Death, War and more.  Of course, these definitions are relative based on one’s perspective, so, God Help Us and Save Us from those people.  It is hard to believe that there are those who believe Deception, Hate, Death and War are “good and ok”.  I submit to you that view is perverse!  God Help Us!  Unfortunately, they are practicing this perverseness today in our governments and institutions (These are the Principalities and Powers the bible speaks of).  They have joined and worship satan as their provider and sustainer.  Just take a look at the conditions of our world today.  We are in a spiritual war.

Finally, another thought to close.  Evolution believes in the “big bang”.  The big bang suggests there was a void and gases happened to somehow chemically react, explode and dust was formed coming together to create our universe.  Question; Where did those gases come from?  Who created the gases?

Jesus!  Who is He or Who Was He?

Christians believe Jesus was born of a virgin mother, Mary, lived, died, and arose from death to life.  Christians believe, upon His arising from the dead, He revealed Himself to select witnesses then, ascended into heaven to be with His Father, Almighty God.

Names have meaning.  What does the name Jesus mean?  If you research the meaning of the name Jesus, it means “salvation” or “God Saves”.  It was a common name at the time the New Testament Jesus of the Christian faith who was believed to be the Messiah.  Another name, Joshua, an Old Testament name had the same meaning as Jesus.  The name Joshua means “God Saves”.

In the early days of the Old Testament, Almighty God was worshiped, and He was referred to by a few names.  I will list a few along with their meanings:  Abba=Father, Elohim=Creator, Jehovah=The Self-Existent One.  Another name Almighty God was referred to was Yesua meaning “God Saves”.  There are variations of this name along with various meanings such as “Yahweh” meaning “a saving cry calling out for help” or Yeshua which through generations of translations ended up as Joshua and later Jesus, meaning “God Saves”.

The New Testament has a passage (Phil. 2:10-11) which reads “at the NAME of Jesus every knee should bow…every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ (Christ meaning Anointed) is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

To translate, God only and God alone can Save Mankind period!

To call upon the NAME Jesus, one is literally calling upon Almighty God to Save.  When Christians put their trust in the NAME Jesus, they are effectively trusting that God Saves Them.

I am saying this because Christians are so caught up on the name Jesus, they forget or overlook Jesus is another name for “God Saves”.  They believe if someone Does Not say the NAME Jesus, the person is not “saved” and Will Not go to heaven.  Not True!  Salvation comes by calling on “God to Save Them” no matter the name that is EQUAL to that phrase! 

To Simplify, when one calls upon Jesus, they are equivocally calling upon God to Save them.  It is the failure of Christians to recognize Calling on Jesus is the same as Calling on Almighty God.

There are many languages on earth today and many languages that have come and gone or are no longer or rarely spoken.  Aramaic, at the time of Jesus and Latin, at the time of the early church (first century) is rarely spoken today. 

So, we must consider the heart’s intent of anyone who calls upon God to Save them and believe that is Equivalent to calling upon Jesus which means, God Save!

This brings to question then, Who was and Who is Jesus?  Jesus was the method God used to restore mankind to a Perfect Relationship with Himself.  Too often mankind tries to Know and have Knowledge of ALL God’s undertaking.  I confess to you; I DO NOT have a full understanding of everything God does or exactly how what He does works.  The birth of Jesus, His Life, Death, and Resurrection and ALL its inner workings and implications I DO NOT Fully understand.  I am the created, Almighty God is the Creator!  God is under No obligation to explain to me the details!  He ONLY asks that I Trust Him, Believe in Him, and Have Faith in Him and That is what I do!

When we try to explain or foolishly believe we DO understand salvation, we only cause fighting and division among anyone who calls upon Almighty God to save them AND that is exactly what the enemy satan wants is fighting and division to take our attention away from Almighty God, Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.

God is NOT interested in us understanding the mechanism or details of Salvation.  He ONLY tells us to trust Him, call upon Him, and believe He will save period!

Remember, before Adam and Eve sinned, Almighty God Himself walked and talked with Adam and Eve.  They, being flesh and blood, just as we are, was able to touch the hand of God literally before they sinned.  That means flesh and blood at one time was perfect enough to live with Almighty God personally!

This brings me back to the person Jesus of the bible.  He was flesh born of Mary, a virgin BUT Almighty God was His Father.  How can that be??  I personally Do Not Know AND it Does NOT Matter if I do!  If that is how God brought me salvation, Great, but I Only Trust HIM the Almighty God and yes I have called upon God to Save Me whether you want to call him Yahweh, Joshua, or Jesus, I believe God Saves!  His method to save me is immaterial.

The coming of Jesus in the flesh makes sense.  Jesus was both God and man but I’m only guessing, Jesus somehow, someway came to earth, was born of a virgin to become flesh as Adam and Eve were Before their sin.  Remember, before their fall, they were perfect.  Don’t ask me the mechanics of Jesus being perfect in the flesh because I Don’t know but I Do know the One who does know, Almighty God who ONLY asked me to Trust and Believe.

We need to focus on Almighty God and Him only and Not get entangled in proving the details which causes fighting, arguing, and Division.  satan (notice small “s”) does not deserve my attention to distract me and take me away from following, trusting, and believing my savior, Almighty God, the One who Saves Me!