God’s Love, Pass It On

Most every religion advocate loving others and sharing that love.  Those who believe and worship the Most High God certainly advocate sharing God’s love with others.  Jesus, while on earth told us to love others as yourself (Mark 12:31) as he characterized this as the second greatest commandment.


I believe Jesus, when summarizing the Ten Commandments into two commandments, making them simple to understand and practical identified this as the second greatest commandment for a reason.  The reason for identifying this as the second greatest commandment, Jesus understood and knew if the first commandment was followed, the second commandment would flow naturally.


To look at Jesus’ explanation of the Ten Commandments, He outlined them into two categories: the first being our relationship with God and the second being our relationship with other people.


I believe this is important because a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father fills our emotional cup.  When we emotionally feel full of love, we can pass that love on to someone else.  This explains why some people cannot or do not pass on love to others.  Notice I said cannot or do not as this too is important.  One cannot pass on something they do not have.  There are those who have a full cup (they are blessed of God) but choose NOT to pass on God’s blessing; they would rather keep it for themselves.


The cup is also important as it represents a vessel for holding the love.  Some people have broken cups that leak.  When they receive God’s love, it leaks from the cup and that which they pass on is less than they received because of the leak.


There are plenty of people with broken cups; some with more damage than others.  The greater the damage to the cup the faster the contents leak from the cup.  Some people seem to have a cup with no bottom and all that is poured into the cup escapes immediately with the cup never able to accumulate what is being poured into it.


What I just wrote above represents God’s love and how people receive God’s love.  Some seem so broke they never receive (or can accept) enough of God’s love.  These people need spiritual healing.  Only God knows their needs, but we can continue to allow the love to flow.


Some cups are broken because the “nurturing” ingredient they needed when their cup was being developed was never added.  Some people never had nurturing families with BOTH a nurturing father and a nurturing mother.  This is where God’s family can help.  Broken people need nurturing but most of all love.  Jesus said loving others was the second greatest commandment.  We can only pass on what we have received and accumulated.