Jesus!  Who is He or Who Was He?

Christians believe Jesus was born of a virgin mother, Mary, lived, died, and arose from death to life.  Christians believe, upon His arising from the dead, He revealed Himself to select witnesses then, ascended into heaven to be with His Father, Almighty God.

Names have meaning.  What does the name Jesus mean?  If you research the meaning of the name Jesus, it means “salvation” or “God Saves”.  It was a common name at the time the New Testament Jesus of the Christian faith who was believed to be the Messiah.  Another name, Joshua, an Old Testament name had the same meaning as Jesus.  The name Joshua means “God Saves”.

In the early days of the Old Testament, Almighty God was worshiped, and He was referred to by a few names.  I will list a few along with their meanings:  Abba=Father, Elohim=Creator, Jehovah=The Self-Existent One.  Another name Almighty God was referred to was Yesua meaning “God Saves”.  There are variations of this name along with various meanings such as “Yahweh” meaning “a saving cry calling out for help” or Yeshua which through generations of translations ended up as Joshua and later Jesus, meaning “God Saves”.

The New Testament has a passage (Phil. 2:10-11) which reads “at the NAME of Jesus every knee should bow…every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ (Christ meaning Anointed) is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

To translate, God only and God alone can Save Mankind period!

To call upon the NAME Jesus, one is literally calling upon Almighty God to Save.  When Christians put their trust in the NAME Jesus, they are effectively trusting that God Saves Them.

I am saying this because Christians are so caught up on the name Jesus, they forget or overlook Jesus is another name for “God Saves”.  They believe if someone Does Not say the NAME Jesus, the person is not “saved” and Will Not go to heaven.  Not True!  Salvation comes by calling on “God to Save Them” no matter the name that is EQUAL to that phrase! 

To Simplify, when one calls upon Jesus, they are equivocally calling upon God to Save them.  It is the failure of Christians to recognize Calling on Jesus is the same as Calling on Almighty God.

There are many languages on earth today and many languages that have come and gone or are no longer or rarely spoken.  Aramaic, at the time of Jesus and Latin, at the time of the early church (first century) is rarely spoken today. 

So, we must consider the heart’s intent of anyone who calls upon God to Save them and believe that is Equivalent to calling upon Jesus which means, God Save!

This brings to question then, Who was and Who is Jesus?  Jesus was the method God used to restore mankind to a Perfect Relationship with Himself.  Too often mankind tries to Know and have Knowledge of ALL God’s undertaking.  I confess to you; I DO NOT have a full understanding of everything God does or exactly how what He does works.  The birth of Jesus, His Life, Death, and Resurrection and ALL its inner workings and implications I DO NOT Fully understand.  I am the created, Almighty God is the Creator!  God is under No obligation to explain to me the details!  He ONLY asks that I Trust Him, Believe in Him, and Have Faith in Him and That is what I do!

When we try to explain or foolishly believe we DO understand salvation, we only cause fighting and division among anyone who calls upon Almighty God to save them AND that is exactly what the enemy satan wants is fighting and division to take our attention away from Almighty God, Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.

God is NOT interested in us understanding the mechanism or details of Salvation.  He ONLY tells us to trust Him, call upon Him, and believe He will save period!

Remember, before Adam and Eve sinned, Almighty God Himself walked and talked with Adam and Eve.  They, being flesh and blood, just as we are, was able to touch the hand of God literally before they sinned.  That means flesh and blood at one time was perfect enough to live with Almighty God personally!

This brings me back to the person Jesus of the bible.  He was flesh born of Mary, a virgin BUT Almighty God was His Father.  How can that be??  I personally Do Not Know AND it Does NOT Matter if I do!  If that is how God brought me salvation, Great, but I Only Trust HIM the Almighty God and yes I have called upon God to Save Me whether you want to call him Yahweh, Joshua, or Jesus, I believe God Saves!  His method to save me is immaterial.

The coming of Jesus in the flesh makes sense.  Jesus was both God and man but I’m only guessing, Jesus somehow, someway came to earth, was born of a virgin to become flesh as Adam and Eve were Before their sin.  Remember, before their fall, they were perfect.  Don’t ask me the mechanics of Jesus being perfect in the flesh because I Don’t know but I Do know the One who does know, Almighty God who ONLY asked me to Trust and Believe.

We need to focus on Almighty God and Him only and Not get entangled in proving the details which causes fighting, arguing, and Division.  satan (notice small “s”) does not deserve my attention to distract me and take me away from following, trusting, and believing my savior, Almighty God, the One who Saves Me!