Trinity Living’s Model Prayer

Below is a model prayer.  It is the contemporary English version of the Lord’s Prayer.  Jesus provided the model prayer since it covers everything that we deal with on a daily basis.  Prayer should be daily since we have no promise on this earth for tomorrow and we need to acknowledge we are 100% reliant upon God for provision and sustaining power.  We exhort you to use this model as an outline of what you pray for daily but always feel free to elaborate; God will take great pleasure in your seeking Him and trusting Him.  God Bless You.


Our Father in Heaven, Holy is your name.

We pray for you to establish your kingdom here on earth with Jesus as lord and king.

We pray for your will to be done, asking you to give us strength and courage to accept your will.

We pray for today asking you to meet all our needs.

Forgive us our sins

Give us a heart like yours so we can forebear and forgive others.

Keep us from evil and the evil one, asking you to destroy evil forever.

Lord, you are the Most High God; All things belong to you.

You, the Alpha and Omega, are Almighty.

We praise you and thank you.

God Save Us.
