Recognizing Our Nakedness

Following Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the first thing that happened was they recognized they were naked (Gen. 3:7).

When the serpent tempted Eve, he told her that God knew if they ate of the fruit, they would gain KNOWLEDGE.  The knowledge they would gain would be knowledge to know how to live independently without a need for God, his provision and protection.  There would be no need for God’s sustaining power to give them a peaceful and satisfying life.

Some have misinterpreted the knowledge of good and evil as man gaining knowledge of what is good and what is bad; this is not the case.  The knowledge they would gain is learning how to use the mysteries of God’s created world to create technology that would help them build a world that would meet all their physical needs independent of God.

Lucifer and a third of the angels were cast out of God’s heavenly kingdom after they attempted to overthrow Almighty God.  Lucifer was the intended ruler of this overthrown heavenly kingdom.  Almighty God was more powerful than those rogue angels.  He is All Powerful not simply stronger.

When lucifer and a third of the angels were cast out of the kingdom of heaven, where did they go?  Is it possible, this is the time in eternity Almighty God created the physical heaven and earth?  God’s heavenly kingdom is a spiritual world.  At this point in time only God and the angels know for sure.

It is possible lucifer and the fallen angels, upon being exiled, took residence in the new created physical heaven and earth.  Some religious scholars would disagree since they believe the physical heaven and earth were created in seven days and Adam and Eve were the first inhabitants of our physical earth.  This belief however may not be true.

If we take a closer look at the biblical record of creation, we learn God planted a garden on earth eastward of Eden (Gen. 2:8).  This garden was the garden of Eden located in the land of Eden.  This means Eden was a territory on the earth.  What other territories could have existed?

This idea sounds anti-god and anti-creation but if one reads further, they will learn that after sinning, Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden.  If the whole earth was the garden of Eden as many believe, and Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden, what land or territory were they now inhabiting?

If one continues reading the book of Genesis they learn after Cain killed his brother Abel, God exiled him from the land where he and his family were residing into another territory.  Was their residence in the territory of Eden, however outside the garden God planted?

Cain’s greatest fear was being murdered by others if they found him.  Who were these others who lived in territories outside the territory of Eden?  Were they also created by God or were they lucifer and the fallen angels or were they a combination of the two.  Were they the “giants” known as Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6?

At this point in time and history, Adam and Eve had gained knowledge to farm and raise livestock.  Their son Cain was a farmer while their son Abel raised livestock.  They had gained knowledge to provide for themselves having food to eat, clothes to wear and housing.  There was no need for God in their new life, so they thought.

If we read further in Genesis, we learn there were others living on the earth, some of which were rogue, posing threats of murder, looting, rape, slavery.

The conclusion is that upon partaking of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the first thing Adam and Eve realized was that they were naked, having nothing apart from God! 

We all need to draw the conclusion and recognize we are naked without God.