How to Pray

Prayer is more than simply asking God for something.  It is pouring our heart’s feelings to God.  It is confessing to God, and it is praising and worshiping God.  It is sharing with God, and it is listening to God. Prayer is communing with Almighty God the Father.

The world Adam and Eve lived in was perfect before sin entered their lives.  In that world, their every need was met without their asking.  They only communed with God and enjoyed life.

Prayer is important and Jesus taught us what the content of a perfect prayer includes.  We will attempt to elaborate on that prayer so we can understand its importance AND value.  The model prayer is known as the Lord’s prayer and is found in Matthew chapter 6 of the New Testament.  We will do this over a series of postings.  Let’s begin.

The Lord’s prayer begins “Our Father who art in heaven”.  Notice Jesus addresses Almighty God as Father; therefore, He acknowledges a relationship with God as being a Family with God as “head of household”.  This is why we call our group of believers Congregation Family of God.

I want to stress that the Sin of mankind was mankind’s being tempted and succumbing to the temptation to live life without God as their father.  To restate, sin was the proclaiming to God that mankind could do better without God and exceed His ability to manage and sustain their lives; This is the SIN that caused the broken relationship.

God is not just any father; He is the perfect father.  Fathers of flesh are not perfect.  Because sin entered when mankind decided he could manage life better than AND without Almighty God the father, Self-Centeredness and Selfishness became the motive behind behavior.  Bad fathers are self-centered while good fathers give and provide for their children in a loving way for the good of their children. 

Thank You Almighty God our Father for your Love, Mercy, and Kindness, Amen.