The Jesus of Christmas

Who is Jesus?  Why is he honored and worshiped?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem of parents having poor to average income.  His family wasn’t special nor were they royal or popular, yet we worship him.  Why is Jesus special?

Jesus is special because of his Father.  His father was not Joseph but was Almighty God.  At the age of 12 Jesus revealed his real father was his Heavenly Father (Lk. 2:49).  Angels from heaven revealed to Mary she would become pregnant, not by a human male but by the Spirit of God.  We should not question how this could happen if we believe God is the creator of all that exists.  Gabriel, the angel who stands beside Almighty God and was His messenger declared, “with God, all things are possible” (Lk. 1:37).  God is God, He is Almighty and Most High, there is none like Him in heaven or on earth.

Why is Jesus to be honored and worshiped?  Because Almighty God said so.

Jesus is the image of God (Col. 1:15).  He is not the Almighty Most High God; he is the image of the Almighty Most High God.  It is the Father, the Almighty Most High God who gave Jesus, His beloved son that position, elevating him to have equal authority.

Jesus, from God’s perspective, is a package of two separate entities being one in position and authority.  Jesus is the human version of God but equal to God because God elevated him to that position.

Jesus is like any other son.  A son is lower in position and authority than the father but is given the position of being equal to the father when either the father dies, or the father transfers the authority to the son before his death.  God is eternal and will never die so God transferred His authority to Jesus making Jesus equal to Himself, but not greater than Himself.

Why did God make Jesus equal in power and authority?  He was 100% submissive and obedient to the Father.  He was faithful unto God the Father even unto death (Ph. 2:8).  He humbled himself to God the Father.  Jesus ALWAYS pointed to the Father, gave credit to the Father, asked the Father, deferred to the Father, worshipped, praised, and gave thanks to the Father.  He reflected all the attention he received back to the Father.  He reflected the Father, therefore becoming the image of the Father.  Because of this, God raised Jesus to the position of having equal position and authority as Himself.  Jesus is, because God made him (Ph. 2:9-11).

Because of Jesus and his perfection in the eyes of God the Father, he became the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God’s requirement of the death penalty for sin.  Jesus obeyed and complied.  Jesus 100% trusted the Father.  Because of this, God resurrected Jesus back to life by the power of His Spirit and declaring Jesus to be Lord and King over his Earthly Kingdom.  Therefore, we worship Jesus.  Thank God for his coming and his obedience; God’s gift to us!