A Perspective of Jesus

Jesus is the most controversial person in history.  He is the most loved and the most hated.  He is loved by his followers and hated by his opposers.  He is the most embraced and the most rejected.  Frankly, this long-standing controversy makes it more likely that He in fact is God in the Flesh.

Most religions acknowledge Jesus was at least a teacher, prophet, or good person but the controversy is mostly with acknowledging he is God.

I am not all-knowing, but I have embraced Jesus as God, but I have also been trying to understand exactly how he should be viewed.  I have made the following observations and have drawn a conclusion I am satisfied with, but I am open to God’s revealing to me the best way for my simple brain to comprehend it.  What I have concluded to date is below.

I believe there is One Almighty God who is creator, sustainer, and provider of all that exists.  I have been taught that God is a trinity, that being God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. I believe this to be true, but I don’t fully understand it.  I say that because I want you, the reader, to know that I am willing to admit I do not understand everything about God. 

What is good is that God has NEVER expected me to know Him in a “Scientific” way or the history of His existence.  God has NEVER expected me to understand His substance or His mind and motives.  What He has expected of me is that I Trust Him, Believe Him, and Have Faith in Him; that I have done to the best of my human capacity.  By saying my human capacity, I am admitting weakness and imperfection BUT thankful for my Heavenly Father’s understanding of my weakness and need for Him AND His Love for me.  Amen and Thank You Almighty God.

What I have learned about Jesus is that, from a scientific and human perspective, he could not be God.  Why? Because even though his Father was God, his mother was Mary, a human and a sinner, so how could he be perfect and sinless if his father was God but Mary, a sinner, his mother?  I now know!  God is God and He has the power to do whatever He wants and has the full and complete right to be pleased with anything He, Almighty God chooses.  Because God is Holy, if He says Jesus is Righteous and Holy and Worthy to be the Sacrificial Lamb to satisfy the death penalty for sins I have committed and die in my place, I believe God and Accept His will and provision.  Why?  Because He is God!

God also has the power over death AND He manifested this power when He gave power to Jesus to arise from death.  I don’t completely understand it BUT I believe it and have FAITH God can Do It!  Why?  Because He is God!

I don’t fully understand how to view Jesus, but I know he is referred to as the New Adam, the Second Adam or Last Adam.  Why?  I may not have the full correct answer But remember the First Adam was sinless as his wife Eve was sinless before the fall when they decided to attempt to live life without God by learning secrets from Satan that would give them some understanding of God’s mysteries of nature, creation, and science so they could use that knowledge to provide their every need without God.

An interesting side note is that Adam and Eve and even Lucifer (satan) had to use God’s stuff (creation, matter, dirt, elements, water, air, etc.) to help them live life without God.  Why didn’t they simply create something from nothing like God did?  Answer: They didn’t have the power God has!  AND neither do we.

Jesus is the New Adam.  He is the First Fruits of a world to come where, once again Heaven and Earth will be united as One as it was before sin entered civilization.  When sin entered (man deciding to attain knowledge to live life without God), Heaven and Earth separated.  Jesus became the sacrificial lamb to die and arise (overcoming the curse through God’s own power) to become the bridge that will once again reunite Heaven and Earth as One as it was before sin’s devastating power.

When God finally reveals (meaning of apocalypse) Himself Again to the world and destroys the evil satan has planned, we will live with Him in Heaven and Earth again forever and ever.

Remember, Jesus Never called attention to himself.  He ALWAYS pointed to God the Father.  It was God who pointed to Jesus and said “This is my son in whom I am well pleased”.  It was God who lifted Jesus and told us to “hear him”.  Jesus is the son of man (the new Adam) BUT he is also the son of God.  I don’t understand it But Thank God for Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Thy Kingdom Come

Why does Jesus tell us we should pray “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on earth as it is in Heaven”?

The answer has to do with the fall of mankind, sin.  Before man heeded the temptation of the serpent, satan in disguise, to be given knowledge and be taught how to live independently of God, mankind was living in a place where Heaven and Earth were united and the same.  Heaven was God’s throne with Earth being a Suburb of God’s throne.  When God stepped off His throne He walked and fellowshipped with man.  It was only after mankind (Adam and Eve) decided that they could live their lives independent of God and His presence that Heaven separated from Earth.  Heaven was again God’s domain only and mankind was NOT permitted entry.  Earth became mankind’s domain with the curse from God to “Go Ahead, Let’s see if you can live without Me” territory.

I must say mankind has been able to succeed somewhat without God by working with satan to build civilization and an economy BUT many heartaches and hardships accompany this life without God.  Thankfully, we have God’s mercy and grace allowing us to bear and deal with our feeble attempt to live life without Him.  God is Merciful and Gracious.

Currently we are seeing Lucifer rear his ugly head as he is attempting to destroy and kill civilization.  I believe he is making his move now.  We are approaching apocalypse (the uncovering).  God is about to uncover and reveal Himself to the World.  We will see how long we have been deceived.  Evil is more pervasive and evident than ever.  Evil is no longer occult, hidden.  It is out in the open.

Why is he doing this?  Because all creation is God’s, and he hates God and anything that is God’s.  Lucifer said he wanted to rise-up above God and rule all His creation.  In the process, he is killing mankind.  He is a liar and deceiver.  God warned us of this.

The goal of satan and his minions is a one world government, depopulation, artificial intelligence, total dictatorial rule, and death and destruction of all that is God’s.  The good news is It ain’t going to happen.  God is in control.  If Lucifer was so powerful, why was he able to be cast out of heaven?  Obviously one who is stronger than him cast him out.  That One is none other than Almighty God.

The bad part is we are walking through the “valley of the shadow of death”.  It isn’t real death but only a shadow of death, But I must admit the shadow of death sometimes feels like death.  That is why I continue to pray for strength, stamina, hope and peace from the God I know who loves me.  That is why Jesus told us to pray for His “Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. 

I am looking forward to when Almighty God steps up to end satan’s maniacal attempt to overtake Him.  God will finally restore His Kingdom where Heaven and Earth are again united in Perfect Peace and Harmony forever and ever. This is God’s will. Amen.

A Religion, We are Not

Congregation, Family of God is not a Religion.  We are family.  Religion is preventing God’s children from being a family.  We at Congregation, Family of God are trying to create a movement where God’s children unite and set aside issues that are important to man but NOT as important to God.

God never created or ordained Religion.  Religion was created by man to “define” God and to “prescribe” proper ways to approach God.  In a previous blog we described “What is Sin”.  We presented the concept that “sin” was man’s desire and acceptance to live life Independent of God.  Sin was the colluding with Satan to learn and gain knowledge of the mysteries of God so man could “create”, “sustain”, and “provide” all his needs without God.  In other words, man wanted to be Self Sufficient.  Mankind, when tempted, was inclined to acquire God’s knowledge and wisdom so he (mankind) could live by his own strength, power, knowledge, and wisdom.  God, on the other hand, wanted to meet ALL mankind’s needs.

Before sin entered the scene, there were no rules on how to approach Almighty God.  In fact, man walked with God in Perfect Fellowship and Harmony.  Man was completely dependent upon God AND enjoyed fellowshipping with God.  God was COMPLETELY pleased providing for mankind.  He did not feel abused or taken advantage of.  Why? Because He loved His Children and they Loved Him and were grateful and thankful for His Provision AND enjoyed the Fellowship with Him.

Rules did not come to play until sin entered the scene.  There were only ten (rules) AND everyone of them was to direct mankind back to Loving God and Trusting Him for everything.  Worshiping was not the focus because when one truly loves someone they worship willingly.  To worship God is to Acknowledge God as Creator, Sustainer, and Provider AND Sing out in Joy for the Love bestowed by God.  Amen!

Remember, Jesus summarized the ten commandments into two commands, 1) Love God and Him only AND 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.  Your neighbor is loved by God so you should desire to love what God loves.

Rules to approach and please God is NOT what God desires.  He desires a True Loving Relationship.  Jesus said in Matthew “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”.  Sacrifice is Religious Ritual.  Mercy is a Heart Attitude.  Mercy is what God Himself extended to mankind AFTER mankind sinned.

I grew up believing card games were evil, bowling allies were evil, alcoholic beverages were evil, certain clothing was evil, and certain words were evil.  But what I now know is that the HEART’S INTENTION is what is evil.  Let me be so bold as to explain.  Please try to understand and not become offended.  Think about what I am about to say.

Words have meanings AND connotations.  The word “damn” sounds bad and that is because it means to “condemn”.  The word “damn” in and of itself is not bad BUT when it is used by someone whose heart is set on “Condemning someone to hell” it is EVIL.  Why? Because only God has the Authority to condemn someone.  No one is greater than God!  No one has the authority to condemn another to hell.  You see it is the heart’s intention that makes the word evil.

Cards can be evil if played by someone with a heart’s desire to “Take Advantage” of another player who would be severely harmed financially if they lost to a more skillful opponent.

Alcohol in and of itself is Not sinful.  Alcohol is a disinfectant and kills bacteria that causes infection.  Before anesthesia, alcohol was used to numb pain.  Is that bad?  Of course not.  But when alcohol is consumed sufficiently to make a person lose control and commit Bad behavior, alcohol’s use has led to evil that could have been prevented. 

I am NOT approving sinful behavior.  God knows that when sin entered, selfishness of mankind’s heart was revealed.  Sin grieves God.  Sin is mankind living life for himself without God AND mankind’s behavior is influenced by their heart’s desire.

Our goal should be to Worship God, Seek God, Praise God, Thank God, and the behavior that follows will reflect our pursuit of God.  Rules for good behavior will not be needed.  

Holy is His Name

We previously, in our post “How to Pray”, explained why we call ourselves Congregation Family of God by showing how Jesus in the Lord’s prayer begins by addressing God as Our Father.  Immediately following addressing God as our father, Jesus further identifies God as the one who resides in heaven.  By declaring God as the one who resides in heaven, Jesus lets us know who the one and only God is.  Mankind worships many gods, but there is only One Almighty God, and His residence/throne is Heaven.  This leaves no question who Almighty God is!  Remember, Jesus (whose name means God Saves) ALWAYS pointed to God the Father as being the One He, Jesus, gave glory to.

The King James version of the bible says, “Hallowed be thy Name”.  Hallowed means Holy, consecrated, which means Set Apart, Nothing to be compared to.  This best describes Almighty God.  There is nothing or no one greater than Almighty God.  He is not energy, He is the Source of Energy, the Source of ALL that exists.  He and He alone is ALL Authority and ALL Powerful.  Once we embrace that fact, we know what God wants us to know about Him.

What is Sin?

What is Sin? This is a great question. Most of us have been told what is “sinful” and what is not. The ten commandments is what most monotheistic religions teach to be the basics of what God has declared to be sinful and these same ten commandments have become the benchmark for defining sin.

Unfortunately, many religions have taken it upon themselves to logically and “spiritually” expound upon the ten commandments to further define, describe and elaborate on what sin is.

This elaboration has done nothing but lead to confusion, guilt, shame and legalism. Was this God’s intention? The answer is a resounding “NO”.

The original “sin” of Adam and Eve which caused the broken relationship between God and Mankind was the partaking of the forbidden fruit of “Knowledge of Good and Evil”. The story goes, Eve was tempted by the serpent to partake the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. She succumbed then shared it with her husband Adam who also succumbed and they both partook of the forbidden fruit.

The first thing they realized after gaining “Knowledge of Good and Evil” was that they were naked. That sounds terrible! Wow they were naked, but they were husband and wife. What’s the problem?

Also, What’s the big deal? Why is knowing right from wrong such a bad thing? If we knew what is wrong wouldn’t it be easier to avoid committing a sin unknowingly out of ignorance? The serpent’s temptation was only rational, Right? Wrong!! Let me explain.

First, the serpent was Satan in disguise. Satan is known as Lucifer, the highest ranking angel BUT a fallen angel. He was one of the third of the angels that rebelled against God while they were residing in Heaven, God’s residence, and subsequently cast out of heaven.

After being cast out of heaven, where did those angels go? Their being cast out of heaven is believed to be before the creation of mankind, but nobody knows for sure.

Angels are also believed to be “created” by God, however, unlike mankind, they resided in heaven with God. While in heaven, they witnessed God’s power directly. They were firsthand witnesses of many of God’s mysteries and powers, yet one third of them rebelled against Almighty God.

I tell you this so you can now better understand what the Sin of mankind really was. It was Not knowing right from wrong. The Sin was gaining Knowledge of the Mystery of Nature and how God created our universe.

The fall of the third of the angels and their being cast out of heaven was because they rose up against Almighty God and followed Lucifer as their new leader and god. As you may recall, Lucifer cried out, proclaiming that he would overcome Almighty God to become the supreme ruler of all that was God’s. That obviously did not work or go well! He underestimated the power of Almighty God and was cast from the presence of God.

Somewhere in God’s realm of time, He created Mankind (humans), the universe as we know it, earth, animals, plants and all that exists. After creation, He chose to commune and have fellowship with mankind on earth in a “perfect life” where He met ALL the needs of His creation.

Lucifer and the third of the angels saw an opportunity. They needed to recruit more members to support their coup against Almighty God. The temptation was to lure mankind by telling Eve, the first to be approached, that if she and Adam agreed to collaborate with Lucifer and his fellow fallen angels, she and Adam would be taught the “Mystery of Nature” and learn and gain knowledge to live their life “without God”. They would be able to meet all their needs without depending on God. THIS WAS THE SIN OF PARTAKING OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. Good is allowing Almighty God to meet all our needs and guide and direct us while Evil is “living life without a need for Almighty God”.

Both Adam and Eve believed if they had knowledge to “be like God”, knowing and understanding the mystery of His power, they could live and direct their own lives. They believed by having this knowledge they could do as good of a job as God to meet ALL their needs. In fact, they thought maybe they could even do a better job. This was the SIN.

My above explanation is validated because God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, where ALL their needs were met to a life where “By the sweat of their brow”, the curse, they would work and toil, using their new-found knowledge to live. No longer were their needs met by a loving, caring God who strongly desired to love and care for mankind, whom He created.

Adam and Eve never realized how good they had it allowing Almighty God meet ALL their needs!

Mercy and Grace


Mercy brings us to Heaven’s door. Grace opens the door to let us in.

Jesus, God, Man, or God/Man?

Jesus is one of the most controversial figures in history.  He is recognized by Christians as being the Messiah, but a “good” person or prophet by Judaism and Islam believers.  Jesus, nevertheless, is recognized as being “special” by all three religions, but whose characterization accurately describes Almighty God’s perspective of Jesus?

As an elder of the family, I would like to share my current understanding of Jesus.  My perception is based on a lifetime of trusting Almighty God.  The basis of my belief is based on understanding Almighty God is far greater in power and ability than anyone could imagine.

I believe Jesus is the Messiah who was born of a virgin mother of flesh, whose father was Almighty God, lived in the flesh, died on the cross, and arose from the dead.  I believe Jesus, in the flesh, was both God and Man.

First, we must understand that before the fall of Adam and Eve, heaven and earth were in perfect harmony where God and mankind were united in a perfect relationship. God met every need of mankind and mankind glorified and enjoyed God and His presence.  It was only after the fall (sin) of mankind that heaven and God’s presence separated from earth.  Heaven is God’s dwelling place while earth is mankind’s dwelling place.  They were united prior to sin but separated after sin.

Second, we must understand God never told us to learn about Him to know Him better.  He told us to TRUST HIM AND BELIEVE HIM; This is FAITH!  Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham’s faith and believing God is what made him righteous in the eyes of God.  Abraham was “saved” (redeemed) because of his faith in believing God.  Abraham was not “saved” because he believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus BUT he believed God would provide a way because He was Almighty God, all- knowing and all-powerful to do what He said He would do.

Because of Abraham’s faith, he was righteous and “saved”.  Jesus whose name means “God Saves” is, in my belief, the “Method” which God used to fulfill the death penalty for mankind’s sinning.  The death penalty was God’s own requirement for redemption.  This makes Jesus a MIRACLE!  Jesus in First Corinthians is referred to as the “Last Adam”.  The “First Adam” was the one who lived in the garden of Eden communing with God in a Perfect relationship before sin entered and broke the perfect relationship.  The “Last Adam” is the one who Re-unites the perfect union of Heaven and Earth.

The Miracle of Jesus is twofold.  First, Jesus not only died to fulfill the death penalty requirement BUT He arose from the dead thereby overcoming death.  How was Jesus able to do this?  The answer is the Second miracle; He was both God and Man/flesh.  God loved mankind, His creation so much, He, being Almighty and All-Capable was able to Himself die in our place while simultaneously being human flesh/mankind.  This was His method, JESUS.

Why was this Method important? Answer: Jesus was sinless, NOT deserving to die for sin, BUT HE died the penalty so we, who deserve to die would not need to die.  How was He able to be sinless?  He was the son of God and the son of Man (the Virgin Mary). 

My point is this; I don’t fully understand the details and science of how this is possible AND God NEVER told me I needed to “Have Knowledge” of God’s mysteries and abilities BUT to TRUST Him and that He is Able.  God wants FAITH.  Faith that “God Saves” (another name for Jesus).  Faith is what saves.

To further prove my belief Revelation chapter 21 refers to the new Heaven and New Earth.  The first heaven and first earth pass away because of the First Adam.  The bible lets us know that God’s tabernacle will once again be reunited with earth.  The uniting will be new because of the miracle of Jesus, the Second Adam who paid the penalty.

God is simple; He simply wants to restore the relationship where He meets all our needs, we glorify Him and Enjoy His presence.  Jesus always pointed to Almighty God, the Father, giving glory to Him and Him alone. 

Jesus during his life on earth was a good man, a prophet, and God/Man BUT I Do NOT fully comprehend and know how God did it BUT I Trust and Believe Him.

To enjoy life, we must enjoy HIM.  God bless.  Amen.

Be Vigilant

The bible tells us in first Peter to be sober and vigilant because our adversary the devil is prowling…seeking to devour.  This pretty much describes the world today but, do not believe for one moment satan has not been on the prowl since the beginning; he has, you just may not have been aware.  This is why we are exhorted to be vigilant.

Being vigilant means being “on the lookout”, attentive to your surroundings and what is happening.  Being sober is having a “clear mind” so you can be “attentive”.

Many think of “satan” as Lucifer, the fallen angel, but if one studies the word “satan” it means adversary, opposer.  The English translation in some cases should have been translated to “The Satan” instead of just satan because in early manuscripts context indicated “that which opposes God” is really what satan means.

Ephesians chapter 6 tells us our fight is not flesh and blood BUT Principalities and Powers.  If one researches the terms principalities and powers, they will find that those terms mean rulers, authorities AND cosmic powers; so, what does that mean?  It means that heavenly powers (fallen angels) have joined forces with Mankind, who is flesh and blood to create RULERS (elected and non-elected leaders, presidents and leaders of corporations) and AUTHORITIES (corrupt law enforcement, corrupt judicial systems, regulatory agencies (corrupt FDA, CDC, WHO) who use positions of authority and the powers that accompany those positions to attain Personal Wealth and Power.

What we are seeing today is that the OCCULT is no longer occult meaning Evil is NO LONGER being hidden or disguised.  Evil is on display open and transparent.  We as children of God need to see the evil for what it is.

There are world organizations promoting “depopulation” (Killing off PEOPLE).

We need to open our eyes to see there are leaders who are worshiping and giving allegiance to Lucifer and the fallen angels to use their power and “KNOWLEDGE” of God’s mysteries of heaven and nature to overtake God’s kingdom and people.  Rest assured their strength and power are NO match for Almighty God; that is the good news.

The bad news is we are at war with Evil.  War is no fun, but God is victorious.  We need to support all the children of God, those who love, honor, and respect the one and only Almighty God, creator, sustainer, and provider.  We need to set aside details of our personal beliefs and unite in the fight against evil.

Abraham believed God AND it was accounted to him as being righteous before God.  God is the ONE who Saves.  God Saves!  Seek Him and Him only.

Almighty God, Save us and Protect Us by your strength and your power.  Amen  

How to Pray

Prayer is more than simply asking God for something.  It is pouring our heart’s feelings to God.  It is confessing to God, and it is praising and worshiping God.  It is sharing with God, and it is listening to God. Prayer is communing with Almighty God the Father.

The world Adam and Eve lived in was perfect before sin entered their lives.  In that world, their every need was met without their asking.  They only communed with God and enjoyed life.

Prayer is important and Jesus taught us what the content of a perfect prayer includes.  We will attempt to elaborate on that prayer so we can understand its importance AND value.  The model prayer is known as the Lord’s prayer and is found in Matthew chapter 6 of the New Testament.  We will do this over a series of postings.  Let’s begin.

The Lord’s prayer begins “Our Father who art in heaven”.  Notice Jesus addresses Almighty God as Father; therefore, He acknowledges a relationship with God as being a Family with God as “head of household”.  This is why we call our group of believers Congregation Family of God.

I want to stress that the Sin of mankind was mankind’s being tempted and succumbing to the temptation to live life without God as their father.  To restate, sin was the proclaiming to God that mankind could do better without God and exceed His ability to manage and sustain their lives; This is the SIN that caused the broken relationship.

God is not just any father; He is the perfect father.  Fathers of flesh are not perfect.  Because sin entered when mankind decided he could manage life better than AND without Almighty God the father, Self-Centeredness and Selfishness became the motive behind behavior.  Bad fathers are self-centered while good fathers give and provide for their children in a loving way for the good of their children. 

Thank You Almighty God our Father for your Love, Mercy, and Kindness, Amen.

Everyone Believes in God; Really, They Do

Everyone believes in God, and I will prove it.  Even “the demons believe and tremble” (James 2:19).  satan also believes.  Lucifer, the “son of the morning angel” has been quoted as saying “I will rise up” (Isaiah 14:12-23).  Who is he rising-up to overcome?

Names and language are important.  For English speaking friends, God is referred to as God.  For Spanish speaking friends, Dios is His name.  For Islamic friends, Allah is His name.  For peace-loving nature lovers His name is Mother Nature, and for some His name is Nirvana. (I’m not being sacrilegious; I’m explaining my belief that everyone believes in God).   Who is He?  He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of ALL that exists.

So, what is the difference between those mentioned?  All the above-mentioned names represent someone or something that is the greatest of all that exists or the “highest energy” that exists.  No matter what, all the names characterize a power that creates and sustains.

Names are important.  Again, lets offer names of God and their meanings: Elohim=Creator, El Deah=God of Knowledge, El Roi= God Who Sees, El Shaddai=God Almighty, Jehovah Rapha=Healer, Jehovah Sabbaoth= Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Rapha= Healer.  These are Names that Describe God’s character so mankind can know who and what God is all about.  Bottom line, He is Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.  He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning of all that exists and the End of all that exists BUT most importantly, SAVIOR!

The truth is Almighty God is so great He can never adequately be described.

Now, back to the question, what is the difference between the names of God mentioned above?  Again, all those names characterize a Creator and Sustainer, A “Higher (highest) Energy”, the greatest level anyone could expect or imagine.  The Answer: Of all that use those names, they either, 1) Acknowledge the one and only true God, Creator, Sustainer, and Provider, or 2) They deny and/or oppose Him, the Almighty God.

It is ok to want to achieve Nirvana described as the highest level of consciousness.  That sounds like being in heaven with God, doesn’t it?  But who created such a thing as a consciousness?  I submit to you Almighty God.  He called it a “living soul” breathing Life into that soul (read Genesis) when HE, Almighty God created us!  The problem is that many who seek to achieve Nirvana, deny it was Almighty God who created The Highest Level of Consciousness some call Nirvana.  So, I ask them, Who created Nirvana?? Answer: Almighty God. 

What makes Nirvana controversial is that it acknowledges a perfect condition BUT denies the One who Created it.  The same holds true for “mother nature”, a vague way of denying that Almighty God is the Creator of nature.  Again, we see that what these believers say is true BUT deny the source of its existence, Almighty God!  

Most people believe in satan, that he exists, or they at least believe there is evil.  Let’s look at names.  The name satan means “opposer”, adversary or the one who resists.  Question; Who is he (satan) resisting?  Answer, God.

We see plenty of evil in the world today.  Most will acknowledge that both good and evil exist AND are opposites.  What is Good?  Answer: Truth, Love, Life, Peace and more.  What is Evil?  Answer:  Deception, Hate, Death, War and more.  Of course, these definitions are relative based on one’s perspective, so, God Help Us and Save Us from those people.  It is hard to believe that there are those who believe Deception, Hate, Death and War are “good and ok”.  I submit to you that view is perverse!  God Help Us!  Unfortunately, they are practicing this perverseness today in our governments and institutions (These are the Principalities and Powers the bible speaks of).  They have joined and worship satan as their provider and sustainer.  Just take a look at the conditions of our world today.  We are in a spiritual war.

Finally, another thought to close.  Evolution believes in the “big bang”.  The big bang suggests there was a void and gases happened to somehow chemically react, explode and dust was formed coming together to create our universe.  Question; Where did those gases come from?  Who created the gases?