Why God Had to Die

God is sovereign having the highest authority possible.  He is creator, sustainer, and provider of all that exists.  There is nothing greater than He.  He is I Am!


With God being creator of all that exists, he and he alone has the right to decide what is right and what is wrong.  Fortunately, for mankind the created, God loves us and cares for us.  Creation is his joy and pleasure.  Genesis 1:31 says, “God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was Very Good…”.


After God created the earth and mankind, he commanded mankind to enjoy the land and the fruits of the land, BUT only one thing was to be abstained.  That one thing was the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil has been the subject of debate among many.  If one considers the temptation by the serpent, the implications of the tree and the reason God died comes to light.


The serpent, when tempting Eve explains the value of the tree.  Eating of the fruit of the tree gives enlightenment.  The enlightenment is described by the serpent as having the knowledge of God knowing good from evil.  This knowledge of knowing good from evil is “knowing how to live with God, which is good, and knowing how to live without God which is bad.  We all know how the story ends; mankind chose to learn how to gain knowledge to live life independent, without God.  We also know and are experiencing the outcome and consequences of that decision as we are living it today.


God told mankind what the consequence of eating of the fruit would be…death!


God is sovereign.  He made the rules of law.  If death was the consequence, then death must occur to satisfy his law.  Unfortunately, God loved mankind whom he created, so much so, he wanted mankind to escape the consequence and suffering of death; but how?  The flesh he created must die by his own edict.


God is Almighty, Sovereign, and True.  He is Truth.  He and he alone is and was able to create a way to fulfill his law while simultaneously creating an outcome that was Good!


Mankind was created flesh, but God was not flesh.  Mankind was the created while God is the creator.  One is pure while the other tainted with sin.  The two, creator and created, could not be the same, or could they??  The answer is yes, they could.  God in his sovereign wisdom was able to accomplish this.  He, the pure became the tainted in the person of Jesus of Nazareth (Phil.2:8).


Jesus of Nazareth was both God and Man.  How is this possible?  The answer is, Only God Knows!  He is creator of everything.  He is wise and all-knowing.  We are the created.  He is the creator.  Who has the right to even question the one who created?


It appears that God wanted to fulfill his own law by miraculously becoming the sacrifice for the penalty of sin because what he created was Good and it was his pleasure to save his creation from death.  This is what the reason appears to be.  This is confirmed in John 3:16.


What we need to do is embrace his embrace with thanksgiving and praise.  There is no need to scientificate his reasons.  We don’t need to have the knowledge for why.  We need Simple Faith.  God is Great.  His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways.  We are the inferior while he is the Superior.


Flesh had to die, so God himself became flesh so flesh would die to fulfill his law.  We don’t have to understand it.  We only need to believe it.


Thank you, God!!  God Saves!!

Why God Had to Overcome Death

God spoke to man and said, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day you eat thereof you shall surely die.” (Gen. 2: 16,17).  God himself proclaimed the penalty of death as the consequence of the crime he described.  This was His law.


Sin is the opposite of God, an exact 180 of his essence and character. Sin is repulsive to God.  There is no gray area with God.  With God, there is only right and wrong.  You either did wrong or you didn’t do wrong.  You are with God, or you are without God.  Mankind, unfortunately, crossed the line God drew in the sand.  With that crossing, the sentence of death was required.


Almighty God is sovereign with nothing or no one greater or having higher authority than He.  He is supreme.  He does not lie.  If Almighty God said death would be the penalty of sin, then death would surely be the penalty.


God is life (John 1:4a), satan is death (John 10:10).  Satan is the exact opposite of God.  In fact, the name satan means the opposer.


In the book of John chapter 10 verse 18, Jesus says, no man takes my life!  “I have the power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again”.  In fact, Jesus laid down his life; he died by choice (John 10:15).


Arising from death indicated God is ALL POWERFUL and there is nothing or no one greater than He.  This proves God to be True and Faithful.  God did not just Tell us who he is, He Showed us who he is. He is Almighty God!