Jesus Was Not a Christian

This topic will raise eyebrows, stir emotions, and arouse anger from the self-righteous but the fact remains Jesus was not a Christian.

The reason for this topic is to bring to light how Jesus has been misunderstood, used, and misused from the time he was born in a manger to his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.  Even while he was ministering his last three years of life on earth he was misunderstood and misrepresented.

Communication has altered the perception of Jesus.  Many children during their school years have at one time or another participated in an exercise where everyone is seated in a circle and the teacher whispers a secret to the child next to them.  The teacher has instructed each child to turn to the one next to them and whisper the secret they just heard.  Once everyone has heard the secret and whispered it to the person next to them the secret is finally repeated to the teacher who initiated the secret.  Typically, the secret the teacher hears from the final child is totally different or skewed and not the original secret; The content and context of the original secret has been changed.

Why is this?  Perception.  Everyone has a slightly different perspective and the way they interpret what they have just heard is interpreted followed by an attempt to explain and relay what they have just heard.

Christianity began after Jesus ascended into heaven.  Many believed and followed him and each had a different experience and understanding of him.  This caused describing him to develop into multiple perspectives which were also passed down the communication trail.

A Christian is one who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ.  A Christian practices what they have been told and taught about Jesus.  Jesus, however, is the REAL DEAL.  Therefore, it is best to read scripture, pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you BUT compare it with what you have been taught or previously thought.  Allow God’s Holy Spirit to reveal new truths.  The new truths revealed by the Holy Spirit is NEVER inconsistent with the BASICS of Almighty Most High God’s will, intent, or plan.

This is not to say today’s perspective of Jesus in not correct but it is to say there may be inaccuracies or fluff.  The best way to understand and perceive who Jesus is and was, is to read scripture AND rely on the Holy Spirit of God to reveal Jesus.  This is why reading the Bible is fun.  Each time one reads the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals new truths.  Those who have read the Bible for many years will often say and admit, a New Revelation they just discovered was not recognized by them over all the years they previously read that same passage. God works this way.  God views things different than we do.  God views us as His children and children grow and develop; This means they change over time.

God is the father, and He enjoys nurturing His children.  Nurture means to encourage and assist growth and development.  This concept is important because it infers changing over time.  The beauty about God is He understands, loves, and cares for us and desires we GROW in Knowing Him.

The Jesus of Christmas

Who is Jesus?  Why is he honored and worshiped?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem of parents having poor to average income.  His family wasn’t special nor were they royal or popular, yet we worship him.  Why is Jesus special?

Jesus is special because of his Father.  His father was not Joseph but was Almighty God.  At the age of 12 Jesus revealed his real father was his Heavenly Father (Lk. 2:49).  Angels from heaven revealed to Mary she would become pregnant, not by a human male but by the Spirit of God.  We should not question how this could happen if we believe God is the creator of all that exists.  Gabriel, the angel who stands beside Almighty God and was His messenger declared, “with God, all things are possible” (Lk. 1:37).  God is God, He is Almighty and Most High, there is none like Him in heaven or on earth.

Why is Jesus to be honored and worshiped?  Because Almighty God said so.

Jesus is the image of God (Col. 1:15).  He is not the Almighty Most High God; he is the image of the Almighty Most High God.  It is the Father, the Almighty Most High God who gave Jesus, His beloved son that position, elevating him to have equal authority.

Jesus, from God’s perspective, is a package of two separate entities being one in position and authority.  Jesus is the human version of God but equal to God because God elevated him to that position.

Jesus is like any other son.  A son is lower in position and authority than the father but is given the position of being equal to the father when either the father dies, or the father transfers the authority to the son before his death.  God is eternal and will never die so God transferred His authority to Jesus making Jesus equal to Himself, but not greater than Himself.

Why did God make Jesus equal in power and authority?  He was 100% submissive and obedient to the Father.  He was faithful unto God the Father even unto death (Ph. 2:8).  He humbled himself to God the Father.  Jesus ALWAYS pointed to the Father, gave credit to the Father, asked the Father, deferred to the Father, worshipped, praised, and gave thanks to the Father.  He reflected all the attention he received back to the Father.  He reflected the Father, therefore becoming the image of the Father.  Because of this, God raised Jesus to the position of having equal position and authority as Himself.  Jesus is, because God made him (Ph. 2:9-11).

Because of Jesus and his perfection in the eyes of God the Father, he became the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God’s requirement of the death penalty for sin.  Jesus obeyed and complied.  Jesus 100% trusted the Father.  Because of this, God resurrected Jesus back to life by the power of His Spirit and declaring Jesus to be Lord and King over his Earthly Kingdom.  Therefore, we worship Jesus.  Thank God for his coming and his obedience; God’s gift to us!


This is Why Jesus Came to Earth

This is an amazing mystery- 700 years before Messiah was born, Isaiah, the prophet prophesied in detail about the Messiah’s death, “And He made His grave with the wicked and with the rich in His death.” He was struck down and oppressed for our sins, yet it was the Lord’s will to take on all our sins; past, present and future; for all time. The word ASHAM in Hebrew is the same word used in Leviticus for the levitical sacrifice. It does not just mean guilt offering but guilt itself. The animal that was offered up was called the guilt. Messiah became guilt for us. ASHAM means that when you are in sin and oppression in your life, Messiah has His name on it now. You do not have to bear it. Jesus is your guilt. Your sins and guilt belong to Him. Give Him your guilt; He is ASHAM; give Him your burden, give Him your past and He will lift it and release you from it because He made His life an ASHAM, a guilt offering specifically for you. Messiah has set you free.

This is from: (

From Message #1093 – The Asham
Scripture: Isaiah 53:9

TODAY’S MISSION – Whatever guilt, shame, or sin you’ve been dealing with, release it to God. It has His name on it.

A Tough Pill to Swallow

There is nothing that happens that God does not allow to happen.  This is a real and profound statement and sometimes a tough pill to swallow.


It’s easy to have faith, trust, and believe God when things are going well.  It’s easy to trust God at the beginning of tough times, but that faith and trust can dwindle as time passes and it appears God is not taking action to solve our problem or dilemma.


Why is it that sometimes God answers our prayer to heal a life-threatening illness or bring us out of debt but other times He seems to abandon us?  We could lie and tell you it is because you don’t have enough faith, or God is testing you, or that you have sinned and this is God’s punishment, but again this would be lying.


Some religious leaders may even tell you, “You are being tested” or this is the storm before the blessing.  We need to be honest and real because God is both honest and real.  The official answer why God is allowing you to suffer is “We don’t know!”; that is being honest.  Only God knows.


We seek out churches and religious people so we can be told God wants us healthy and wealthy or to have someone pray for us hoping the solution comes with their prayers, but this does not always happen.


The danger with false hope is it can turn us from God in a defiance or developing an opinion God does not exist.


Jesus begged his father, God, “if you be willing, let this cup pass from me” (Luke 22:42) as he prayed before his arrest leading to his suffering and death.  Even Jesus seemed betrayed, but he wasn’t.  How do we know he wasn’t betrayed by his father, God?  The latter portion of his prayer is “nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done”.  Jesus’s prayer was answered, not his will but his father’s will was done – He suffered and died!  That is a tough pill to swallow.


Jesus gave us the “Lord’s Prayer” which is the model prayer.  One of the sentences of the Lord’s prayer is “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”.  When you think about it, this is a tough pill to swallow when God’s will is not what we want or hope for.


I hate to say it but this is discouraging.  I personally don’t always like what God does or allows, but I am not God, but He is!  Having faith is not always easy or even desirable if we are honest.  Let’s be honest, it can be painful, but God knows it but still allows it.


Does this mean God is not who He claims to be?  No, we just don’t have a mind of God.  God doesn’t want us to suffer but, unfortunately, we sinned and have a sinful nature and the consequences is the curse and physical death.


God has a remedy, eternal life and a new body that is not corrupt and sinful, but that is to come later in His time.  He did show us He has the power to resurrect by Jesus, His son, and our example.  Jesus is the promise for having hope and eternal life is the reward.


In the meantime, God has given us his spirit to comfort us AND He has given us each other.  We are His physical hands for others to hold and arms to embrace and comfort.  We are to offer words of understanding and comfort.  We don’t need to always have an answer, because we really don’t have an answer.  Just our presence and the thought of knowing someone cares is all a hurting and grieving person needs.


Keep it Simple!  Let God’s love flow through you to others.



Religious or Religion, That is the Question

What is “religious”?  Religious is a lifestyle; however, it can be practiced in one of two ways, either from-the-heart or ritualistic.  The difference is from-the-heart is based on attitude whereas ritualistic is rote mechanics going through the motions.  With from-the-heart there is desire whereas ritualistic is with desire to receive a reward.


Trinity Living is a religious lifestyle based on the premise God is the center of our life; In other words, He is the heartbeat of our being.


Religion is a set of manmade rules based on man’s interpretation of God and God’s Word.  Religions are recognized by denomination based on their individual interpretations.


Jesus was religious and not a part of a religion.  This is obvious because he was despised by the Pharisees, the leaders of their religion.  Jesus is the best example of being religious.  He best exemplifies a lifestyle where God, his father, was the center focus of his life.


Jesus’ life was based on his relationship with God and from that relationship, his relationship with his fellow man.  Jesus is and was God in the flesh, perfect man.  He conducted himself in a perfect manner with ALL his relationships.  He should be our example.


Trinity Living is a religious lifestyle with God being the central focus.  With God being the central focus, our emotions, thoughts, and care for our body, a temple, is based on His purpose and plan for our life.  His purpose is for us to rule the earth under His authority and to enjoy fellowshipping with us as we mutually enjoy fellowshipping with Him.


The natural outcome for such a relationship will automatically improve our relationship with fellow humans.  A Trinity Living lifestyle is a lifestyle based on an attitude that is developed from our thoughts and feelings as they relate to God.  Attitude determines behavior which together defines one’s character.

A Perspective of Jesus

Jesus is the most controversial person in history.  He is the most loved and the most hated.  He is loved by his followers and hated by his opposers.  He is the most embraced and the most rejected.  Frankly, this long-standing controversy makes it more likely that He in fact is God in the Flesh.

Most religions acknowledge Jesus was at least a teacher, prophet, or good person but the controversy is mostly with acknowledging he is God.

I am not all-knowing, but I have embraced Jesus as God, but I have also been trying to understand exactly how he should be viewed.  I have made the following observations and have drawn a conclusion I am satisfied with, but I am open to God’s revealing to me the best way for my simple brain to comprehend it.  What I have concluded to date is below.

I believe there is One Almighty God who is creator, sustainer, and provider of all that exists.  I have been taught that God is a trinity, that being God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. I believe this to be true, but I don’t fully understand it.  I say that because I want you, the reader, to know that I am willing to admit I do not understand everything about God. 

What is good is that God has NEVER expected me to know Him in a “Scientific” way or the history of His existence.  God has NEVER expected me to understand His substance or His mind and motives.  What He has expected of me is that I Trust Him, Believe Him, and Have Faith in Him; that I have done to the best of my human capacity.  By saying my human capacity, I am admitting weakness and imperfection BUT thankful for my Heavenly Father’s understanding of my weakness and need for Him AND His Love for me.  Amen and Thank You Almighty God.

What I have learned about Jesus is that, from a scientific and human perspective, he could not be God.  Why? Because even though his Father was God, his mother was Mary, a human and a sinner, so how could he be perfect and sinless if his father was God but Mary, a sinner, his mother?  I now know!  God is God and He has the power to do whatever He wants and has the full and complete right to be pleased with anything He, Almighty God chooses.  Because God is Holy, if He says Jesus is Righteous and Holy and Worthy to be the Sacrificial Lamb to satisfy the death penalty for sins I have committed and die in my place, I believe God and Accept His will and provision.  Why?  Because He is God!

God also has the power over death AND He manifested this power when He gave power to Jesus to arise from death.  I don’t completely understand it BUT I believe it and have FAITH God can Do It!  Why?  Because He is God!

I don’t fully understand how to view Jesus, but I know he is referred to as the New Adam, the Second Adam or Last Adam.  Why?  I may not have the full correct answer But remember the First Adam was sinless as his wife Eve was sinless before the fall when they decided to attempt to live life without God by learning secrets from Satan that would give them some understanding of God’s mysteries of nature, creation, and science so they could use that knowledge to provide their every need without God.

An interesting side note is that Adam and Eve and even Lucifer (satan) had to use God’s stuff (creation, matter, dirt, elements, water, air, etc.) to help them live life without God.  Why didn’t they simply create something from nothing like God did?  Answer: They didn’t have the power God has!  AND neither do we.

Jesus is the New Adam.  He is the First Fruits of a world to come where, once again Heaven and Earth will be united as One as it was before sin entered civilization.  When sin entered (man deciding to attain knowledge to live life without God), Heaven and Earth separated.  Jesus became the sacrificial lamb to die and arise (overcoming the curse through God’s own power) to become the bridge that will once again reunite Heaven and Earth as One as it was before sin’s devastating power.

When God finally reveals (meaning of apocalypse) Himself Again to the world and destroys the evil satan has planned, we will live with Him in Heaven and Earth again forever and ever.

Remember, Jesus Never called attention to himself.  He ALWAYS pointed to God the Father.  It was God who pointed to Jesus and said “This is my son in whom I am well pleased”.  It was God who lifted Jesus and told us to “hear him”.  Jesus is the son of man (the new Adam) BUT he is also the son of God.  I don’t understand it But Thank God for Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Jesus, God, Man, or God/Man?

Jesus is one of the most controversial figures in history.  He is recognized by Christians as being the Messiah, but a “good” person or prophet by Judaism and Islam believers.  Jesus, nevertheless, is recognized as being “special” by all three religions, but whose characterization accurately describes Almighty God’s perspective of Jesus?

As an elder of the family, I would like to share my current understanding of Jesus.  My perception is based on a lifetime of trusting Almighty God.  The basis of my belief is based on understanding Almighty God is far greater in power and ability than anyone could imagine.

I believe Jesus is the Messiah who was born of a virgin mother of flesh, whose father was Almighty God, lived in the flesh, died on the cross, and arose from the dead.  I believe Jesus, in the flesh, was both God and Man.

First, we must understand that before the fall of Adam and Eve, heaven and earth were in perfect harmony where God and mankind were united in a perfect relationship. God met every need of mankind and mankind glorified and enjoyed God and His presence.  It was only after the fall (sin) of mankind that heaven and God’s presence separated from earth.  Heaven is God’s dwelling place while earth is mankind’s dwelling place.  They were united prior to sin but separated after sin.

Second, we must understand God never told us to learn about Him to know Him better.  He told us to TRUST HIM AND BELIEVE HIM; This is FAITH!  Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham’s faith and believing God is what made him righteous in the eyes of God.  Abraham was “saved” (redeemed) because of his faith in believing God.  Abraham was not “saved” because he believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus BUT he believed God would provide a way because He was Almighty God, all- knowing and all-powerful to do what He said He would do.

Because of Abraham’s faith, he was righteous and “saved”.  Jesus whose name means “God Saves” is, in my belief, the “Method” which God used to fulfill the death penalty for mankind’s sinning.  The death penalty was God’s own requirement for redemption.  This makes Jesus a MIRACLE!  Jesus in First Corinthians is referred to as the “Last Adam”.  The “First Adam” was the one who lived in the garden of Eden communing with God in a Perfect relationship before sin entered and broke the perfect relationship.  The “Last Adam” is the one who Re-unites the perfect union of Heaven and Earth.

The Miracle of Jesus is twofold.  First, Jesus not only died to fulfill the death penalty requirement BUT He arose from the dead thereby overcoming death.  How was Jesus able to do this?  The answer is the Second miracle; He was both God and Man/flesh.  God loved mankind, His creation so much, He, being Almighty and All-Capable was able to Himself die in our place while simultaneously being human flesh/mankind.  This was His method, JESUS.

Why was this Method important? Answer: Jesus was sinless, NOT deserving to die for sin, BUT HE died the penalty so we, who deserve to die would not need to die.  How was He able to be sinless?  He was the son of God and the son of Man (the Virgin Mary). 

My point is this; I don’t fully understand the details and science of how this is possible AND God NEVER told me I needed to “Have Knowledge” of God’s mysteries and abilities BUT to TRUST Him and that He is Able.  God wants FAITH.  Faith that “God Saves” (another name for Jesus).  Faith is what saves.

To further prove my belief Revelation chapter 21 refers to the new Heaven and New Earth.  The first heaven and first earth pass away because of the First Adam.  The bible lets us know that God’s tabernacle will once again be reunited with earth.  The uniting will be new because of the miracle of Jesus, the Second Adam who paid the penalty.

God is simple; He simply wants to restore the relationship where He meets all our needs, we glorify Him and Enjoy His presence.  Jesus always pointed to Almighty God, the Father, giving glory to Him and Him alone. 

Jesus during his life on earth was a good man, a prophet, and God/Man BUT I Do NOT fully comprehend and know how God did it BUT I Trust and Believe Him.

To enjoy life, we must enjoy HIM.  God bless.  Amen.